Nightpisser debuff fucking sucks man. Waking up 3x in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. I slept better when my kids were babies.
Everybody warns you about babies not letting you sleep, but your own bladder waking you up is just a joke.
Nightpisser debuff fucking sucks man. Waking up 3x in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. I slept better when my kids were babies.
Everybody warns you about babies not letting you sleep, but your own bladder waking you up is just a joke.
This is a civil suit, not criminal.
You can get a house working in McDonald’s.
You just need to be the sole heir of someone who owns a house and either be patient, or proactive.
It really puts the federal workers in a tight spot. They are getting shit poured on them from above, and they are like one of the last lines of defense from Trump. Trump et al wants them to leave, if not willingly then on the first occasion he can fire with cause.
That really sucks. They have no moves but to hold the line.
We helped pay for Sesame Street in the middle east because it’s super effective pro-Western-Culture propaganda. Seriously can’t have a better investment than we had there.
Oh the other children’s programming is funded by generous support from…the Taliban…soooo, good job giving them a monopoly on kids minds? How you think that’ll play out in 5-10 years when they are old enough for war?
You see, the brilliant part of this is that the leopards drink the same water. It’s going to make it a lot harder for them to eat everyone’s faces if their teeth are all rotted out.
What if we start putting flouride in the junk food 🤔?
Ah, -screte/-screet. Motherfucker.
Let the lemmings follow Trump off a cliff. Everyone else, buy low if/when they can.
Yes, 100% of the blame for the world we live in falls on HRC and DWS. None of the fault lies with the people that are actively tearing the country apart, the party members enabling them, or the idiots that voted for it…or voted third party…or abstained from voting entirely…in 2024, despite being told multiple times exactly what would happen. Sometimes even straight from the horeses mouth.
Nope. It’s all because of the Dems. They did this. Those bastards.
As someone with size 14-wide (US) feet, this is how I shop for shoes. Don’t even look at styles or price, I just look for the pairs that are in stock in my size and that narrows the other factors down for me a lot.
They got the organ in December. While this administration is a clown show, I don’t see how that’s relevant.
My first job was at a restaurant that was on DD&D. It was definitely the latter lol. Very definition of a greasy spoon.
Good food. Probably skirted a lot of health codes. But good food nonetheless.
Josefine Goebbelle.
Oh for sure, on all points. It’s a real good jobs program, it’s one of the few vessels for class mobility left, and it’s entirely that way by design.
Can’t have everyone getting free college. Just the ones that work for us for a few years, breathe in one or more toxic chemicals, and come out the other side brainwashed by being spoonfed nationalist propaganda the whole time like they’re making jarhead foie gras. Assuming you didn’t start sucking that koolaid tit in highschool from the junior ROTC.
I’ve got nothing but respect for our Marines. Someone has to be the dumbest motherfucker in the room, and they will proudly step into those shoes.
You want increased birthrate? This is step 1.
Of course I think that if Musk controlled a government dating site, it wouldn’t show white people any non-white matches. And wouldn’t support anything except two person, male/female relationships.
Well, yeah…the military is actually a welfare/jobs program. It also served a key role in culling excess boomer population before they started needing to get jobs.
Only Congress can declare war…
Or at least, that was the plan at the time.
It’s partly my fault. I forget to drink all day and between dinner and bedtime end up drinking like 2-3L of seltzer.