Makes you wonder, after pizzagate, where they’re underground child sex dungeon is… Since they were so emphatic on pointing the finger at liberals and gays and accusing them of such a thing.
Makes you wonder, after pizzagate, where they’re underground child sex dungeon is… Since they were so emphatic on pointing the finger at liberals and gays and accusing them of such a thing.
and yet again its not a trans woman invading a bathroom with ill intent.
its a right wing conservative man who invaded a bathroom with ill intent.
And McConnell is the reason why we’re here.
He doesnt just get to quit the fucking game then suddenly pretend like he had nothing to do with the gameplan, miserable piece of shit.
Libertarianisn has always been nutty.
You’ve just grown as a person and are more easily able to identify it now, than you were back then.
PRoblem is that it wasnt only his politics that were shit, it was a lot of his general opinions too.
good on the people harassing him for finally forcibly excavating his head from his ass, I guess.
the same % of Americans have always been stupid. but for a long time it was honest ignorance that made them pliable, in small communities, to conmen… who quickly worked their con and moved on to the next town.
But thanks to the internet connecting disparate crazies, and elevating crazy to a mainstream voice, and then hostile foreign powers elevating that further on social media thanks to the internet, giving it a heavy dose of false legitimacy… its devolved into a unique bouillabaisse of cromagnum hyper-idiocy the likes the world probably has never seen before.
and thank to isolated media bubbles like Fox News and OANN, it will only continue to get worse and worse.
Elon after labeling orphans as fraudsters and taking away their survivor benefits that they are entitled to and deserve: “God, I just sniffle I don’t understand why people hate me crocodile tears”
he apparently used IVF or something to have kids, and only had male embryos implanted into the partner dejure of the moment.
So when she came out as trans, he lost his absolute fucking mind.
He was always a emotionally stunted pre teen edgelord.
But when she came out, he went extremely hard right and dove head first into deathcamp nazism
what is a sidewalk but a road for filthy poors and peasants to do their un-christian walking on?
what a sad, pathetic loser.
Willing to kill people because he “Stands with” a car brand.
Hope he gets put away for a very long time.
sounds about like the service I’d expect from a united flight.
Discord is a great platform for bullshitting with your friends while playing games and shit.
but people are using it for things that its not, and wasnt ever meant to be.
Discord is a black hole where information goes to die.
Its not indexable, its not searchable, If you are having a problem you will never find it via conventional means.
and the second the discord shuts down, all the information is gone forever.
Discord is not a tech support platform. it is not a information storage platform.
it is a communication platform.
and far, far to many organizations use it for tech support and information storage. To the detriment of everyone… even themselves.
Because people don’t want to have to join special services just to find out why their piece of software doesnt work.
any criticism of the fascist state is the worst kind of violence and is obviously terrorism worthy of torture, or worse /s
kinda late on that countdown mate.
Almost every problem america has to date, you could blame on Reagan.
And you would be right far, far, faaaar more often than you’d be wrong.
the fact that my grandmother absolutely, hard ass refuses to do anything that would improve her situation. Just bitches and moans and has great big narcissistic pity parties until someone forces it down her fucking throat.
For example, her vision isnt great, she complaints its hard to use the computer cause she cant see to type (Shes one of those chicken peck typers). I tell her to get a large print keyboard with a backlight, it’d be easier for her to see and use.
She says no, it wont help. nothing will help. boo hoo pity me blah blah bullshit.
Long story short, it goes back and forth for a month, with her refusing the idea, refusing when I directly link her to a keyboard to buy (it was cheap, too), etc etc. Just making a big fucking woe is me pity party out of it.
I finally say fuck it, buy the goddamn keyboard myself, take it over to her house, put it on her computer.
within 5 minutes “Why didnt you tell me about this before? Its amazing! I can see it and use the computer again!”
Shes the reason i’ve been balding for 20 years.
nah. They were too hyper focused on it being a basement under a restaurant.
They arent exactly clever when confessing their crimes by accusing the other side of doing the crime. There is absolutely a building somewhere with a basement that Republicans diddle in.