• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: May 9th, 2024


  • Fuck that, if I could wave a magic wand and suffocate a future President in their crib, it would be Ronnie, not Donnie.

    Without what Reagan did to our culture, politics, and economy, we wouldnt have had a population ignorant enough to elect Trump once, let alone twice.

    Turns out starving public education and allowing big corpo to call any self-serving lie “news” without regulation makes one nation under duhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

    Without investing in education, a nation has only failure and collapse to look forward do.

  • Allonzee@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldHamberders
    31 minutes ago

    Reagan/Welch destroyed the United States irrevocably.

    Trump/Elon are just vultures picking its well rotted corpse clean.

    Trump is a just big dumb animal who has been using his wealth to leverage confidence schemes his whole life, and used his instincts as a grifter to steal the Republican base from the old guard Republicans. He really doesn’t deserve as much credit as he gets. It was Reagan that furthered the Welch corpo vision of paying off both major parties, and convincing the peasants to vote against their own interests with the promise(aka lie to the suckers they see as less than human) of golden showers of prosperity into today. This was happening with or without Donnie. If anything we can see more of what’s going on than establishment, old money conservatives would have allowed because Trump is a big, dumb, loud animal.

    This country wasn’t over as of last November. This country was over as of November 1979.

    What is needed is mass acceptance of that, and for smaller nations to emerge. Let the Science/reason/empathy have some land and build a nation, and let hatred/bigotry/willful ignorance/religion have some land and build a nation.

    I think we all know who’ll be eating and who’ll be declaring war on the smarties to steal their food in a decade or two.

  • You’re just satisfied with society abandoning its worst off as the visible reminder of what a shithole of a society we have. You have a lot of company since the owner class gutted public education to complete ruin over decades though.

    There is no “or” though. There is no world where the homeless punches themselves in the face or hides themselves from your eyeline for your amusement because there’s no point in appeasing the legion of sociopaths for profit “news” media has made like you in exchange for nothing. They’d rather eat with that panhandling money, and they’re right, sorry.

  • Your capitalist enablers and sycophants will destroy you if you give them a centimeter, with a shit eating grin, even if they burn with you.

    “YOU can live large… just fuck over your neighbors. I heard they hate you. Why don’t you hate them?”

    Its pathetic how many millions have suffered and died, how many governments have betrayed their own people, to some derivation of the above.

    The US resolutely chose die alone with the Reagan/Welch con job and it has doomed us. Please continue to choose live together. Vote for a society that supports one another from the worst off upward.

  • Because we glorify and often lie about what individuals can do, and literally villanize cooperation as somehow wrong and evil in western society.

    You can’t build a skyscraper individually, yet we applaud the owners of them for their asset, when it took a collective of hundreds of laborers and engineers to build it who will never benefit from the fruits of it commensurate with they work put into the collective project. Which works for the sociopaths pushing individualism as they can create a collective through capital to accomplish what they want credit and profit from and then be dismissed, so they can propagate it’s their skyscraper that “they” built. cue Steve jobs coming out on stage to take credit for the new kind of phone HE implies having made without a drop of humility.

    Then they use that as a cudgel to tell individuals without their greed disease, who don’t have the means to call on flash collective employees, that if they’re struggling they must be lazy or incompetent because the right people built skyscrapers all on their own by pulling themselves up by their bootstraps.

    Toxic individualism is a virus. Anything worth anything our species has accomplished has been the work of many, but the self-serving sociopaths that control the means of production and propaganda and state violence want you to be hostile towards the concepts of a social contract, and social equity, and society being judged by how it’s most downtrodden are treated. It’s destroying us, and it’s murdered millions of neighbors we betrayed to die under freeways of exposure for the crime of not producing value for sociopaths, aka “pulling themselves up by their bootstraps.” Easy to say as a nepo baby on a mega yacht barking dictates at assistants.

  • I’m aware, that’s my Fandom, I know the lore intimately.

    Being a “battery” is in the vernacular though, and most understand what a capital battery means.

    I even see the Architects nod to the supposed answer requiring a “lesser mind” albeit a more human curious mind in the oracle was a nod to that original idea the studio mandated the Wachowskis change, from bioprocessors to batteries. Would have worked on so many levels, even with the machines falling victim to repetition loop breakdowns without processing from imperfect minds, but that was on the Studio, the writers were vocal they didn’t like the change, which makes it easy for me to look beyond.

  • Have more babies though.

    Your owners need your kids to be exploited into an early, miserable grave to run up their nepo kid’s ego scores. The doting ones at least, the owners toss kids that don’t become little nepo clones of themselves as bad investments.

    Luxury climate bunkers are boring, are you really going to deprive a future billionaire child that matters the joy of watching line go up powered by your worthless peasant offspring’s life force, you monster?

    Maybe stop being so selfish and think about what you can do to further enrich your betters. Priorities, my fellow batteries, priorities!

  • We need a new party and if that is impossible collapse or revolution and a new constitution, as this one is too far captured. The DNC at this point exists to take the oligarch bribes and stoke social issue division while defending the economy that bribes them and their partners accross the aisle from us. It cannot be reformed, because it’s primary function is bribe courting.

    Harris was my last vote for an economic right wing candidate. I have very little confidence there will be another honest election, so why would I continue to vote for the fascist enablers as I have for 24 years? They march hand in hand with Republicans in for profit prisons, massive homeless populations that’s more expensive to maintain than simply housing the homeless without condition, mass murder for corporate private profit that make up entire economic sectors, etc.

    And no, I sorry, I’m for respecting everyone’s rights and calling everyone what they want to be called out of basic respect, but millions of our neighbors dying in the streets for the crime of producing insufficient value for our oligarchs dwarfs a lot of social wedges neoliberals fight for but are ultimately not about meeting the basic needs people need. They make those their big issues because they don’t cost the capital markets a cent.

    From a humanist perspective, it’s more important for a homeless person not to die of exposure, starvation, disease, and police brutality in our name than telling someone with a full belly and a roof who’s LGBTQ that we affirm who they are. Both are important, but even our “left” has been paying no attention to the former and all to the latter, because the former would cost their wealthy bribers money and talk and ribbons are cheap. Kids need lunch. Hungry anyone needs food. Priorities.

    And no, we can’t do both, because we’ve proven we can’t do shit. Want less abortions? Riot for a living wage that can support a family and if you win there will be fewer abortions with no bans required. It’s the economy stupid, that thing we haven’t gotten a vote on in 46 years.

    I’ll vote for a candidate promising to repurpose big corpo’s record profits to rebuild society, no less.

  • Rofl no. Supply is kept artificially low to maintain prices. The global capitalist greed diseased oligarchs got bored with supply and demand a long time ago. Doesn’t metastasize their quarterly earnings fast enough.

    OPEC and DeBeers don’t even do it in shadows.

    You’re thinking of the doe eyed days when capitalism was giving you it’s talking points in grade school, deluding you. We’re in the terminal stage, all that mickey mouse bullshit of supply and demand, capitalism breeds competition, and participation is optional have been shown for the confidence scheme sales pitch to suckers that they are.

    At least to everyone but Americans, who’ve been so propagandized against anything that isn’t toxic individualism most of us couldn’t define socialism with a library card and a gun to our heads.

  • I’m part of the left and I’m armed. I just don’t glorify my arms, name them girl names, or fall to sleep stroking them like a lover.

    I think it’s the only position I share with our rightwing. I wish I didnt need them, but this is a cesspool of toxic individualism, avarice, and prideful ignorance. When in Nazi Germany, you might need to shoot a Nazi.

    In the Nordic countries, societies, they have freedom to roam, here our bootstrap buckaroos fantasize about murdering anyone (who doesn’t look like them) that rings their doorbell for walking up their sidewalk.

  • Ask 1930s Germans how bad it needs to get.

    Id argue Americans are even more gaslit and deluded than they were with modern for profit media combined with captured government pulpits.

    I truly think the average American would sooner burn their own children alive than protest/disempower their capitalist fascist oppressors gutting their very lives for an extra nickel. For profit media says the fault of our problems are all the powerless homeless neighbors we’ve all collectively betrayed lowering property values with their continued immoral existence as they produce no value other than to scare everyone else back to their jobs every day.

    Wouldn’t want to be accused of being a filthy SOCIAList that wants to be part of a SOCiety after all. Why live together when we can die alone at each other’s throats hoping the next lottery ticket or third side gig will make us a big winnah!

    I will never, never forget all the domestic politicians using their pulpits when covid hit to assure everyone that they will do everything possible to protect our beloved society people children future economy, with basically no pushback 🤮