Muskrat thinks his design is the greatest there ever was, so he wants it to become part of thr brand.
Muskrat thinks his design is the greatest there ever was, so he wants it to become part of thr brand.
That’s where the term punch card comes from
Computers have been dumbed down and simplified for the masses. When I was a kid a computer did not cooperate until you raised your voice.
He’s got a foreign name, and is a socialist. I’m surprised he’s even a candidate.
The knight who slays the dragon is never painted as a murderer.
Anyone who sits on their ass at this news is complicit. We are reaching the points where not standing up is in fact approval for the regime and their actions
Oh don’t you worry, the Americans will be out in full force (about 3 dozen people) about this, and they will be carrying their most sarcastic and passive-aggressive signs, and will be standing around in the most unapproving ways.
Considering what these people are like, it may very well be the entire dark net.
So they’re police, but not openly so. They’re keeping that fact secret. That way they can police people secretly. People the state, but not the public, may not like.
Imagine the new fascist American regime not even getting off the ground because the fascists are so incredibly incompetent
Holy Reddit atheists, Batman
Like decentralized socialism?
Nono, he’s “one of the good ones”
Empathy needs to be the definition of humanity, such that those who don’t feel it are classed as inhuman.
Unless it’s intolerance of intolerance.
“Welcome to my house, here everybody is welcomed and respected, but if you choose to make somebody’s life difficult because they’re different from you your ass will be on the curb before you can raise your palm over your head.”
Aren’t those signs of sociopathy?
I think we need to forbid people who qualify as sociopaths from holding any office with any degree of power. They can’t be trusted with power.
I bet that if the internet existed in the 1930s the Nazi party would have scrubbed their official websites of any heroes who were not 100% aryan.
I’m sure that if a government has information that’s so sensitive they’ll store it on servers that run some sort of proprietary OS, or maybe not digitally at all.
The main problem is that America is turning into a Nazi bar.