Yo, so I would like to first point out. I am not at all talking down to you, or denigrating your lived experience. I am just pointing stuff out and I do not mean any offense and I mean all of this. First, this is taken from the Wikipedia page regarding The Tiananmen Square Protests and Massacre:
**The Chinese government continues to forbid discussions about the Tiananmen Square protests[315][316] and has taken measures to block or censor related information, in an attempt to suppress the public’s memory of the Tiananmen Square protests.[2] Textbooks contain little, if any, information about the protests.[317] After the protests, officials banned controversial films and books and shut down many newspapers. Within a year, 12% of all newspapers, 8% of all publishing companies, 13% of all social science periodicals, and more than 150 films were either banned or shut down. The government also announced that it had seized 32 million contraband books and 2.4 million video and audio cassettes.[318] Access to media and Internet resources about the subject are either restricted or blocked by censors.[319] Banned literature and films include Summer Palace,[320] Forbidden City, Collection of June Fourth Poems,[citation needed] The Critical Moment: Li Peng diaries and any writings of Zhao Ziyang or his aide Bao Tong, including Zhao’s memoirs.
Print media that contain references to the protests must be consistent with the government’s version of events.[267] Domestic and foreign journalists are detained, harassed, or threatened, as are their Chinese colleagues and any Chinese citizens who they interview.[321] Thus, Chinese citizens are typically reluctant to speak about the protests because of potentially negative repercussions. Many young people who were born after 1980 are unfamiliar with the events and are therefore apathetic about politics. Youth in China are sometimes unaware of the events, the symbols which are associated with them such as the Tank Man,[322][323] or the significance of the date of the massacre 4 June itself.[324] Some older intellectuals no longer aspire to implement political change. Instead, they focus on economic issues.[325] Some political prisoners have refused to talk to their children about their involvement in the protests out of fear of putting them at risk.**
“Just watch that channel.” On that platform owned and operated by Google. Who were ousted previously for Project Butterfly, which was their move to illegally enter the Chinese Market. I say illegally, as Google, being an American company and major piece of the Global Spy network created under the Patriot Act, had no business working with an enemy of the State. Complying with Chinese censorship requirements and narrative control. The same Google who Alphabet were ordered to break up. Then found in contempt of court and now, miraculously still exist unchanged. My brother in Christ, from the bottom of my heart, please hear me. The corporate media we are consuming, whether produced through Legacy Media outlets owned by Billionaires. Or for Youtube, (also owned by Billionaires) is lying to all of us. That is why we are here, on Lemmy, a federated instance of a reddit clone. If I might offer a counter-narrative. Perhaps, this video you describe would exist as a token to show the tolerance of the Chinese government and their perceived modernity. They’re so well-known for their reactions to the mention of the single most globally derided act of barbarism against its own citizens. Despite the contrary being overwhelmingly well-documented and understood across academia. Or, maybe it is allowed to exist to benefit global corporatism by whitewashing the atrocities committed by China throughout the Tiananmen Square protests and Massacre. If we examine the global political climate we can deduce that the production of this content may serve the broader purpose of recontextualising global youth opinions of China. Potentially to ingratiate the Western Hemisphere into lifting the arms embargo between America/EU to China. Maybe to be timed at the heels of a global conflict driven by the collapse of the world’s reserve currency at the hands of billionaire sycophants created by Big Tech monopolies.
The same ones controlling the production, dissemination and censorship of all of the content on their platforms by virtue of being the capitalist owners of those that produce the unending novelty for the platform owners, for free. That also produce the algorithm that constantly feeds us tailored content, based on the massive profile of every single online activity, google search, voice note, photograph and recorded conversation that they have collected on all of us for the last quarter century. If there are people left by the end of this, there will be myths and legends about how humanity was manipulated into destroying itself. Using science meant to addict us, normalise loneliness and retrain our discourse to be innately combatant, disbelieving and adversarial. All because we are slaves to the mass hallucination. That fiat money actually exists and that it gives corporations power.
But that’s just like, you know, my opinion or whatever…
And why should I believe anything you say? I mean, if I’m correct and the internet is a giant skinner box used to condition us. Wouldn’t that be what you’d argue anyway?