What Contempt? The people who Defend The Constitution after a School Shooting that leaves SCORES of 6 Year Olds DEAD are FULLY on Board with this!
What Contempt? The people who Defend The Constitution after a School Shooting that leaves SCORES of 6 Year Olds DEAD are FULLY on Board with this!
This is the SECOND time he’s Bought Million Dollar Votes but Ending World Hunger is just TOO Expensive!
Imagine how CORRUPT this would be if Elon Musk had Control over our FBI, our President and our Military! That would be EXTREMELY CORRUPT! Fortunately that’s NOT the case!
I’m a Pro Life Republican who LOVES the Constitution everytime it’s used to DEFEND CHILD MURDERERS and I SUPPORT this Move!
Chuck Schumer’s plan of Letting America Deteriorate and People Die in order to FORCE them to Vote D is WORKING! And you guys CRITICIZED him for Not Doing Anything while Americans Died!
Why are they Stressing? They LITERALLY Voted for this! President Musk LITERALLY told them he would do this! Which means this is FAKE NEWS!
I’m GLAD we Elect the Peaceful President!
The BEST response is to just do EXACTLY what he says and NOT Push Back at ALL! THAT will Teach him a Lesson!
I’m MAGA and I CARE about the Constitution!*
*When it’s used to Defend people who MURDER ROOMS FULL OF CHILDREN!
STUPID LIBURLS! Pro Family means Pro as MANY families as Possible! We need to MANDATE THREE WIVES MINIMUM for every Man 18 and Older! And they need to PUMP OUT BABIES like a Cow! THATS what Pro Family is ALL about! It’s NOTHING about the Sanctity of Marriage of Protecting Children or Preparing Kids for Success!
Good! I would MUCH Rather my Tax Dollars be used to give a Puppy Killer MULTIPLE VACATIONS instead of paying for my Child’s Teacher’s Education!
This is the type of Family Values I VOTED for!
-Republicans attacking Trans People for being Inappropriate for Kids
I can relate. I’m a NON RACIST who voted for Trump thinking he would ONLY go after Trans and Brown CHILDREN! I didnt KNOW he would also go after ME, a WHITE PERSON!
And he ALREADY has his Stern Letter Written and READY to go when Musk ignores him!
This is EXACTLY what Jesus would have Done too!
Don’t Worry! The COURTS are on that! They have their Stern Letters READY TO GO!
LoL Stupid LIBTARD! The Founders werent PERFECT and COULDNT have Foreseen the Future!
-Republicans who Defend People who Murder rooms of 6th graders because of the Constitution!
It’s GOOD to see Schumer CARE now that he made sure Trump could do as Much Damage as Possible with Literally NO Pushback Whatsoever! Go Chuck!
I’m NOT in a Cult but Don Bacon is a RINO for even SUGGESTING Trump NOT being Right about Something!
-Literally Every Single Republican!