Fuck you, Trump! Greenland does not belong to you.
Fuck you, Trump! Greenland does not belong to you.
Canadians used to be your besties. Backed you in your BS wars. Had your planes land in Canada during 9-11. We opened our homes to you. We did what Canadians do, made sure you were all fed and looked after. That’s what Canadians do.
I apologise if I misunderstood your post. As you can tell, I’m a very passionate Canadian. (hence the spelling of “apologise”)
Then choose to ignore your healthcare, free speech, and education. And be drowned in lack of critical thinking. You amaze me. You call everyone sheep. And yet you deny science. You deny inoculations that saved children from polio, small pox, and measles. And due to people refusing measles vaccines—here we are again!
Tell that to France. I think they’re doing quite well. They refused to put up with 1789 oligarchs.
Oh no!! Anyways…
“The End of College Life…” I think that’s the whole point.
If you fuckers can’t see the writing on the wall, you never will. Sitting on a keyboard complaining is not going to stop this. And HUGE warning to Canadians. GET OUT AND VOTE!!!
Just like Imane Khelif, the female boxer, who IS cisgender. I guess she didn’t look female enough for some people.
Americans are so poisoned it’s beyond belief. WTF???
There is a dictatorship happening to the south. Professors are leaving Yale University for the University of Toronto. For God’s sake, get out and vote in Canada in our upcoming election. Danielle Smith is blatantly snuggling up with MAGA. And PP keeps changing his ideologies with the political wind. Save our sovereignty.
PP has changed his ideologies recently, too. Don’t be complacent Canadians! Make sure you get out and VOTE!!
And while PP now denies it, he IS on board with the filth and hate enveloping the U.S. VOTE in the most important election of our lifetime. Do not be complacent as the population to the south of us were in their last election! Even their people are warning us.
The Industrial Age which began in the late 18th century was seen as a downfall for humanity by various thinkers, writers, and critics at the time. John Stuart Mill raised concerns about the negative impacts of industrialization on society and the environment. He was spot on about the environment. I think he was probably spot on about the downfall of humanity, also.
Why listen to the radio? I guess that’s what has been lost… there wasn’t instant gratification. It was the thrill of hearing the song we loved.
I agree. The days of albums and CDs, and record stores. In the 70s we were able to go to concerts and pay for tickets using our baby-sitting money, or our allowances. We saved up for albums. We had to save up, but it was affordable. Now parents are spending thousands of dollars to get their children to concerts. Seriously? WTF??
Really? I’m in B.C., and I haven’t seen that yet. But I haven’t bought sweet potatoes for a long time as I can only find Product of USA.
Boomer here. I was part of the “take it to the streets” movement in the 60s. (And don’t let anyone tell you that protesting doesn’t work). We organized without social media, we were fearless, and we were focused. We NEVER expected anyone to use their influence to help. Don’t throw your anger onto others for what you are not willing to do. Something else we had going for us…musicians. We had musicians that wrote the most amazing anti-establishment songs. They were like a call to arms. Where are the poets and musicians?
So… do nothing? Get on the same page and play along? Big change will have to happen to fix it? Arbitrary violence? The people are supposed to be the government. They are supposed to have the right to protest when the government is not acting in their best interests. If peacefully protesting creates violence, I suggest that violence comes from the government—not the people.
I gotta get this guy into my university class. His dogs, too!