it really is just people being xenophobic everywhere isn’t it?
That’s what it looks like to me. Italy too AFAIK.
it really is just people being xenophobic everywhere isn’t it?
That’s what it looks like to me. Italy too AFAIK.
We had a similar party here in Denmark, that became second largest party of the country with 21% in 2015, When the government introduced tough restrictions on immigration, they almost vanished a few years later, only very narrowly managing the 2% minimum requirement to have seats in parlament.
The popularity of the party was highly based on limiting immigration, much like Brexit, Trump, AfD and AFAIK also RN of France.
Oh boy I remember the sense of sanity returning when Biden won the election, ending 4 years with Trump.
This time feels like it’s going to be way worse with Trump. We’ve only just started, and it’s already exhausting.
I think he made an attempt to force regulation on it, with the purpose of delaying development so he could catch up, because he is way way behind.
Musk stated the merger will combine AI expertise with X’s broad reach.
Ah yes, the famous combining two losing strategies, so they can lose money twice as efficiently.
Greenland’s residents do not want to become part of the United States. Just 6 percent were in favor of the switch
Wow, they can’t even persuade the usual 10% crazies. 🤣🤣🤣
It’s OK you didn’t get it.
Good guy with a gun is a myth, and is never there.
Still a bunch of masked men terrorizing a woman, should be an obvious target in the worlds most heavily armed country.
But even in this situation the good guy with a gun is absent, and the guns don’t help against government overreach, which is the purpose of excuse for the 2nd amendment.
Why not read the response I gave Admiral Patrick that had a somewhat similar response?
It was part sarcasm, exactly that the good guy with a gun is myth, and it’s a myth that guns help defend against government overreach.
But there is also the fact that there is a LOT of gun crime in USA, and it is absolutely a risk IMO that these people could get shot by a vigilante.
But as you say, the good guys don’t pack heat, so those that do are probably perfectly OK with this.
How are such agents alive? They are masked and ambush an innocent woman.
Where is the good guy with a gun?
Transborder flight
Yeah that word is probably removed by Musk from all airports in USA now.
Now it’s CIS border flights, meaning Canadians are perfectly happy staying in Canada.
And we are. Sure. 34,000 in the Capitol of Colorado might seem pathetic to you,
But that was not really a demonstration, more like a rally.
34000 actually demonstrating would be something.
If you aren’t willing to help, kindly fuck off.
You’re welcome to come and try to organize it yourself.
Organizing it myself is a lot more than just helping, and could be seen as outside interference.
I never claimed I wasn’t willing to help. In fact I am helping in some ways. But I’m not in USA.
But thanks for the kind words. /s
You are a special kind of toxic.
Absolutely no, it has to be Americans who do it, and decide what to do with their country.
I wish you all the luck.
mainstream media (all owned by oligarchs)
Yeah huge problem right there! USA has an idea now that Democrats are left wing! while in reality Democrats are right of the center for most European countries.
Bernie and AOC are moderately left wing, and far from extreme, there is a pretty big left wing spectrum to the left of them too.
But USA lacks political nuances because of the 2 party system ingrained in the way democracy works in USA.
I think it’s very dangerous to assume those will be democratic. We are pretty close to Trump arresting political opponents, he has threatened about it already during his first term. And he now calls Tesla protesters terrorists despite they never threatened or harmed anyone!! By declaring them terrorists he can use terror laws against his political opponents.
So I think you mean they THINK they know when the next elections are.
Like this:
This is in Belgrade, a city with just over a million citizens:
USA has a 40 times bigger population and 9 cities that are bigger than this:
I’m not dissing those that actually try do do something, but it’s almost like Americans gave up on democracy and the rule of law.
Or can Americans not see they are about to lose their democracy? And is heading directly towards a totalitarian regime!
Dems (most of them) are just wringing their hands as usual
Exactly, I wonder what it takes to make them wake up? Democracy in USA needs to be restored and reformed, and now is the time to do it.
If democrats are waiting because they believe it will be easier if Trump loses more popularity, they are playing a very dangerous game.
Yes there’s a lot of truth to that. But at some point people should get concerned enough to take to the streets.
But despite everything happening in USA, that is not the case.
It doesn’t really matter if she is trans or not IMO. nobody deserves to be treated like that.