Chosen by him, but he can’t fire the VP. Pence would have been gone Jan 5 if he could. Fun note, VPOTUS used to be the presidential runner up, until the twelth amendment. That’s a bit why the office is protected and elected seperately.
Chosen by him, but he can’t fire the VP. Pence would have been gone Jan 5 if he could. Fun note, VPOTUS used to be the presidential runner up, until the twelth amendment. That’s a bit why the office is protected and elected seperately.
I’d enjoy seeing them in a more Yubaba style. Give em the gross details.
The right time to go back in is whenever this admin is done, there is no “low” when the floor keeps falling out.
They’re still peddling that other countries pay tariffs, which becomes “US revenue”, and Americans will get a big tax break because importers pay our taxes now.
Fired!? Heavens no, multiple people should be in jail. but best we can do is pardons and maybe a raise.
I assure you you’re not naive. They didnt do background checks or security onboarding for the cabinet “because it would take too long”.
🍾👊🇺🇸🔥 = drink, fight (resist?), america’s burning?
I’m not good at this emoji stuff
I’ll stress that’s just to get in the door. Usually if you’re going to the doctor they’ll want to run xrays, CT scans, MRIs, blood tests, whatever diagnostics and it starts escalating fast.
But this is stuff people can plan for. Emergency visits are much worse in my experience, suffering from appendicitis would have put us $40k in the hole overnight without insurance.
A bad cold or flu you probably wouldn’t go to a doctor, just an urgent care clinic for some antibiotics or whatever. Probably run $100-$150 + cost of meds (hopefully generic).
If urgent care can’t help, an out of pocket visit to primary care provider will be closer to $300 just to step in the door. Hospitals will put you on a payment plan if you can’t front it.
“And with all the money they’re saving from the fraud, they could afford to give their senior citizens an increase,” said Lester, who is retired from construction work.
Wow, they really think Trump is compiling some kind of jackpot that’ll pay out big to the people. Looking more and more like US really are a nation of suckers.
Monsanto gets so much worse than polluting. They tried (succeeded? Not sure) in hooking farmers to only buying their seeds through genetic modification to grow anything. I remember huge protests, then we all sort of moved on.
Sinclair group in the US, bought up basically every local news station and began inserting propaganda into scripts as stories. Highly insidious because the older population generally trusted their local news anchors more than the national outlets.
GEO group, one of the largest private prison corporations that also manages ice detention facilities and many mental institutions, not sure I need to say much more.
I suppose it depends what I sent them to prompt the reply? “Dinner at 6?” followed by 👍 is fine. “My grandpop is dying, he may not make it through the week” -> 👍 would send me right off.
You can pass that my way if you’re not going to eat it, easily my favorite thanksgiving side dish.
I find it telling he had the self awareness to add that caveat, but in typical fashion, couldn’t follow the train of thought far enough to arrive at the logical conclusion. “I’ve taken away safety nets from the people, most are one paycheck short of being on the streets with nothing to lose, but what’s up with all these threats!?”
There’s pictures of the bed, I spy fireworks and race fuel.
Oh yeah, party time.
Edit- really wow this is much more advanced, many next level effects
Snyder moving to Canada is like finding a dead canary in the cole mine… Crap.