• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Yeah, the qons were extremely butthurt that “no one wants to work any more”, meaning they didn’t have as short a leash on labor as they wanted. Somehow, you’d hear working class repeating this same bullshit, and that’s some serious brainwashing in action right there. But you’d hear it - and still hear it - all the time.

    Anyway, if they can put a lot of people out on the street to compete for the same set of jobs, yank all services and all benefits, they can try to get labor back into line to such a degree to even surpass the way things were pre-covid and make sure that the working class knows who is REALLY the boss, and it won’t be labor…they want it where the working class is grateful for the crumbs being cast to them (“trickle down”) that keep them from starving and don’t aspire to anything better.

    Even better is if they can do away with democracy altogether and just have the better people - the parasitic idle rich - make all the decisions so that the 99% cannot even band together and vote for people that will punish the rich in even the most moderate of ways.

  • Holy fuck is that so very stupid. Things were already actually quite good. These dipshits keep saying that Biden gave donvict “the worst economy ever” which is suuuuuuuch a load. And now they are going to welcome things being actually much worse, dreaming of some bright future where they will benefit (and presumably, donvict will be “hurting the people he needs to be hurting” in that bright future, i.e,. not the xtian white far-right people, and making exceptions for the “good” versions of POC, women, gays, etc…)

    How are these magoffs any different from the dumbasses that believed Mao’s horseshit about a “Great Leap Forward” and “5 year plans”, etc…?