Don’t fuck with Great Blue Herons. They have razor sharp beaks and an instinct to attack the eyes.
Don’t fuck with Great Blue Herons. They have razor sharp beaks and an instinct to attack the eyes.
If Elon lost 99% of his money tomorrow he’d still be in the richest .01% of people.
From a political strategy point of view, reacting to “country makes a hard shift to the right” by making a move further left does not seem like the most likely path.
Feel like shit in general since January, not only because of global events but also because of various shitty things happening in my personal life that coincidentally occurred around the same time. I have to say that when it seems like the world is actively on fire and burning down it severely affects my ability to compartmentalize. Like there’s an extra layer of gloom over everything.
It’s nice out today and I’m not feeling particularly awful, though. I made mini chicken pot pies so I’m looking forward to lunch.
Personally I think what we really need is a prominent reform party.
/r/Ask_Lawyers is good because it’s actually all verified lawyers. But that means it’s much lower volume.
How about none of the above? But I kind of like those triangular pencils.
AC mainly. I have a ceiling fan as well.
I tried to think of a name. Then I thought of this.
Huh I hear the same word used occasionally in english. I wonder if that’s regional or not.
Huh I thought a galette was more like a tart.
I think in the US it’s synonymous with pancakes mostly but it may refer to more old-fashioned, rugged, whole wheat ones that are a bit thicker than most modern pancakes. It’s definitely a bit ambiguous though. Whatever you linked to is definitely not something I’ve ever seen or heard of in the US though. Edit: I’ll also mention I’m not sure what golden syrup is. We have stuff like karo or molasses as baking ingredients, or various maple or maple-ish syrups that typically top pancakes.
Well in America we have pancakes, flapjacks, Dutch babies, crepes, Johnny cakes, and probably other things I’m forgetting about that are pancake-adjacent.
Not trying to be judgey, just trying to give you a push. You’re right, we all have stuff. It’s how you deal with it that counts.
You’re actively sabotaging yourself, your relationships, and your physical health because of your thoughts. Also you come across as more than a little unstable. I am not a therapist, but if I can get this impression reading 5 paragraphs of what you write, I would say you have serious issues.
My advice: budget for it, you really need one. There are lots of therapists who offer sliding scale.
It’s state by state in the US but there’s very few where smoking would be allowed in a restaurant left. Specifics are often down to the city level. They still allow smoking on outdoor patios in my city. There used to be provisions around tavern licenses where they could have smoking indoors in a room which had separate external ventilation but that’s really in the weeds of zoning. I think they’re trying to kill the few of these licenses remaining, too.
A lot of animals see cute baby animals as easy food. Although some also see them as scary since they often have angry parents around.