If they get pardoned, they can no longer plead the 5th, so that should be fun!
If they get pardoned, they can no longer plead the 5th, so that should be fun!
That’s what happens when you have a suicidal death cult trying their damnedest to bring about their version of the end of the world.
Because their current competition, the USPS does so as a service that’s paid for by your tax dollars.
Once that goes away, or is sold off, none of them have the incentive to continue to do so.
And in the end they will all eventually collude on raising the process for all of their services, just like every other ‘not a monopoly’ corporate collective.
There would be no reason for them to keep a free service like that when they could charge the consumer for it instead.
No company in position to purchase the USPS would have any conviction to show goodwill towards their users. Only quarterly profits matter.
You assume that those would remain…
If it’s a private company, expect that they will charge you more to send it back.
I’d recommend powdered detergent instead. It’s usually far cheaper per load since you aren’t paying for them to ship you the water that’s in the liquid detergent.
You also don’t need to follow the ‘load size’ guidelines listed on the scoop, as only the bottom line or two is really adding anything to most loads.
Turns out that the current administration was just a bunch of DUI hires.