I had an SF86. I would be in jail if I did this with the info I was given. Anyone else would be in jail. These losers won’t tho. Because they are not real patriots.
I had an SF86. I would be in jail if I did this with the info I was given. Anyone else would be in jail. These losers won’t tho. Because they are not real patriots.
They also seem to be all about supporting literal Nazi’s. And ya know how that worked out for them last time.
Are you sure about that? Are you really? Because I’ve noticed a lot of CIS gendered Europeans at most of the high end engineering jobs I work at.
It just shows that this admin and its followers don’t actually believe in freedom of speech. It’s a waste of money to police thought. No matter what he says. As long as he doesn’t condone murder. He should be free to express himself.
Will do!
Super jelly. That all sounds life changing.
Where have you been traveling to? I was thinking euro rail pass and travel Europe.
I just picked up my first passport in my entire life. I’m trying to get away from this hell hole.
Hard Coal Film
I would rather mine Kentucky coal instead of Anthracite coal from my region in Pennsylvania. Anthracite mines are an entirely different way of mining. There’s a documentary I’ll look for on YouTube where the mine operator kills hi self after his cousin and nephews die in a collapse.
Would you like a link?
They would make dresses and clothing from flour bags. Flour companies recognized this and started shipping colorful bags for mothers to use.
Nope. Legal residents. Like that guy from Columbia. He’s being jailed for having an opinion that MAGA dislikes.
With 6 other people.
They’re caging and chaining up perfectly innocent people. When do they start calling regular citizens terrorists and start arresting us in mass?
There’s pictures of children in the Coal Breakers. Missing hands. That worked back breaking labor sorting coal from my home town. It’s disgusting what people did to their children for money. Coal fields buried many children.
My last home was a 5 room house I rented for $2400 in the beginning and was $3600 a month by the time I was moving out. The place was a shit hole in a dangerous neighborhood.
I’m fully aware. I’m from the Appalachian mountains originally. I’m used to the Bible Belt.
Baby Back Bitch Musk