Thanks. Also love your username
Thanks. Also love your username
Follow up: does it work well with cases?
I’m actually really impressed because I’ve had a pixel 6 for over 2 years and the USB c port is doing great. But you’re right, I should probably get a simple wireless charger just to cut down on some of the plugging
Yeah horrible innit
What the hell are y’all talking about
That’s not a bad credit score at all.
Amazing! Good for you. People shouldn’t attack the few people that get lucky. ❤️
Damn I didn’t see that news 😭 I’ve been traveling the last week and honestly trying to ignore the news a bit. Not sure how to productively consume it without just feeling upset!
Yeah all good points honestly.
I was thinking changing something age related would be more hard to argue with, but any “test” we give people could feel unfair. Like think about how many languages it would have to be translated to, and what if you accidentally entered the wrong answer?
I kind of love the idea but it’s just hard to imagine the problems at scale.
Maybe we should go after the electoral college instead since ultimately they make the decisions??
It’s insane to me that some people don’t have this day off.
I really appreciate your level headed take.
Wow you putting it like that:
TL;DR: Americans are stupid because they are shameless
That’s literally it. You are so right.
I cannot count the amount of times that “annoying uncle/dad” is spewing racist/sexist/uneducated bullshit and everyone in the family feels like they just have to let them say it.
We really need to normalize pointing out stupid pov’s with harmful consequences.
This also reminds me of the common experience in the US of some random white dude with a megaphone screaming “Jesus saves blablabla” in public places. Why the fuck do we deal with that shit?
I was wondering if a top age restriction could be good though. People use to not live so damn long that they could fuck over the future generation.
Like shouldn’t people who will actually be alive to see the changes they are making make the decisions? Why are we letting people vote who are on their death bed, probably base their decisions on stuff from 50 years ago, and don’t really care about what the people who will actually live that reality will experience?
Not sure what the cutoff should be. But if 17 year olds aren’t old enough to vote, maybe 60+ year olds aren’t young enough to vote?
Thank you haha
Explain the joke?
I’ve done similar things. I’ll clear my throat or something if it seems like someone hasn’t noticed my presence.