lol if you can’t handle the heat from being a massive cunt then maybe don’t be a cunt. It’s not a difficult concept to grasp.
lol if you can’t handle the heat from being a massive cunt then maybe don’t be a cunt. It’s not a difficult concept to grasp.
If you’re incapable of figuring out how to install Windows then you’re probably incapable of most things in life.
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Imagine actually going to the store to buy tooth care products and actually using them. HOW FUCKING HORRIBLE.
No instead we need to poison water with fluoride instead.
Or just brush your teeth. It’s not hard.
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Sucks but being a helicopter parent is only going to destroy your relationship.
Decide what is more important.
Congratulations on being daft.
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They all attend the same parties and go to all the same social gatherings. That is pretty much all you need to know.
Are you seriously trying to tell me that these Nazis didn’t come about BECAUSE of rich people?
If so I’ve got a bridge to sell you.
It hasn’t been for awhile
Oh please. They love it. They are drooling at the idea of ushering in violence and fascism. They’ve been preparing for the last decade.
As if impeachment would do anything. He was impeached twice in his last presidency and it didn’t do shit.
When you pack the courts with Trump supporters there are no consequences.
All generations have done this. There is nothing special or unique about boomers.
Vast majority of people who have pulled up the latter aren’t even boomers.
In your mind anyone older than you is a “boomer”.
Stop with this shit. Unless of course you like being ignored by anyone with a brain.
The two sides you’re talking about is the rich vs the poor.
The rich get to do what they want because no one holds them accountable. The people that should be holding them accountable are corrupted by the endless money that the rich have.
The “people” could change this over night but the rich have us all divided.
If you want real change stop hating your neighbor and start banding together. That will never happen tho because the rich are winning this war.
The only one here hopeless is you since you clearly cannot understand how vaccines work.
It’s YOU that needs to learn science. If you did you wouldn’t be deathly afraid of a virus you’re protected from. And no it doesn’t need to be 100%.
Without the vaccine you could easily die or have life changing reactions to the measles.
With the vax you won’t even notice if you ever picked up the measles. That’s the difference.
Jfc. You sound like you’re from Texas or some shit. Education isn’t your enemy.
Just saying that it’s brain dead easy to install. You don’t need any technical skill at all.
There are no tricks. Just mouse through a couple of prompts and it’s done.
I’ve installed Linux just as many times as windows and these days Linux is more complicated to set up and install than windows.
Like I get it. Yall have a deep bias for Linux but Jesus Christ can you at least be accurate?