The internet says:
… to own the libs.
This makes it ok.
The internet says:
… to own the libs.
This makes it ok.
That kind of sums up our current reality.
Someone cuts you off in traffic (or other illegal action) and if you honk they get mad at you for pointing out the fuck up.
Mr Burns skull collapsed in one episode because he stopped being evil.
Murica! Land of the if you can’t afford getting hit by a car, your fucked.
Land of if your disabled, your fucked… even if your were perfectly fine before some rando hit you with a car.
Unless you have some secret inheritance that makes you rich (billion; not million, that’s not rich 😉)
I wonder what the police union has to say about this …
How is it different from thier laptops? The new ones have the M processor.
First they came for x and I didn’t speak up.
Then they came for y and I didn’t speak up.
I may be misquoting here but the sentiment and line of thinking is the same.
That’s a side effect of being illiterate.
Ok, let’s go storm the capital. We just have to spend a little time in jail and the next pres will let us out and pay us. No harm no foul.
I didn’t vote for this.
Elections aren’t about what you can do, it’s a popularity contest.
Awesome! I have no good comment except, good shit!
Proceeds to provide a source that is over 30 days old…