Non violent resistance is simply about reducing the death and bloodshed of the resisters. It is not acceptance or compliance.
It’s going to depend on the situation what type of resistance is required. However, unless the resistance has on its side a trained military that can overpower or outwit the regime’s abundant military force. How will it effectively end that regime through violence? If guerrilla warfare is used then narratives can be used to gain support for the regime, both domestically and internationally.
Non violent resistance gives us another path to democracy. Also, it avoids the power struggle that sometimes occurs when a regime is defeated by violent means.
Non violent resistance is not the same as apathy or acceptance. It is also a proven method for change and removing violent regimes. Not because the people in power have a change of heart but because the people that enforce their power do.
You can always try reading the book for yourself. I just started it.
… military resistance against dictatorships does not strike them where they are weakest, but rather where they are strongest. By choosing to compete in the areas of military forces, supplies of ammunition, weapons technology, and the like, resistance movements tend to put themselves at a distinct disadvantage. Dictatorships will almost always be able to muster superior resources in these areas.
From Dictatorship to Democracy (Gene Sharp)
While I agree with the sentiment, I think the point above illustrates why we must understand how we will resist.
Honestly, I’m both glad and horrified that this is a real image.
At least generative models aren’t yet good enough to place his stupid fucking tattoos under his transparent shirt to make it easier to identify him.
“Our objective, one way or another, is to make clear that the district courts of this country do not have the authority to direct the functions of the executive branch. Period,”
Stephen Miller, the White House deputy chief of staff
In Tropico, this normally ends badly for El Presidente.
I was a bit disappointed too but I do think there is value in organizing locally
Maybe we can’t rely on dems fixing this. We are on our own atleast for 2 years.
We need to organize more at the local level. Checkout this site.
I’ve always thought of the political spectrum more like a circle.
Not when the geo group can earn a profit off of a detainee. Especially if they get to make an example out of someone who was both here legally and was exercising freedom of speech as is protected by the 1st Amendment.
This means we no longer have constitutional rights.