Horses for courses, I suppose.
I feel that it’s downplaying the seriousness of what is happening to these people a bit.
To me the statement “US Government Disappears Student” is not as worrying as “US Government Abducts Student”
Horses for courses, I suppose.
I feel that it’s downplaying the seriousness of what is happening to these people a bit.
To me the statement “US Government Disappears Student” is not as worrying as “US Government Abducts Student”
It’s kidnapping. Or abduction.
Wooo, look at hoity toity FancyPants over here with their screwdriver. All we could afford to fix our cassette tapes was a pencil. And a blunt pencil at that. And it was probably stolen from school!! Screwdrivers indeed!
Which is why they failed at it. There are actually getting high on each other’s farts, which is a two step process.
Orange ShitGibbon had boxes and boxes of top secret stuff in his unlocked toilet right next to a fax machine yet nothing happened.
Not only did nothing happen to him, he also got voted back in again. Ffs.
6 years, wow. Nice one. Keep it up.
I think you’ll find that Russia is the star of this movie. USSR❤️USA2025 4eva
If the Orange Turd officially state that it is domestic terrorism then does that now mean, if it is official, that anyone personally owning anything from Tesla is uninsured?
What about the old alliances from Canada, the UK, or Europ…oh, oh, yeah.
No, don’t worry, FatFucks best mate Putin will step up and help!!
This is far too easy to comprehend for a quote from that stack of rancid orange whale shit. There needs to be lots more tangents and useless bits of inane waffling in there.
Action. Stop trying to play nice and talk it through and start burning things down.
Then again it’s easy for me to say this as I am not American. I don’t live in America, and no longer want to visit America.
I’m just a guy who fucking hates that fat orange turd and wishes him dead. Even better would’ve been prison.
If I was locked up in a room with a gun and one bullet and there was Hitler and tRUMP inside with me then Hitler would survive. Or I’d shoot Hitler and beat Mango Mussolini with the gun.
Here’s the thing, tRUMP and his cronies want you to be tired of it. They want you to say ‘meh, this does nothing’. They want you to accept it and move on wearily. Once enough people are worn down by it all then it will become normal and accepted.
That is how the convicted criminal and rapist ‘wins’.