Calling out Russian disinfo is the greatest crime on lemmy.ml
I’m banned from most of it and when that came so did a perma ban to us news at Midwest.social
@davel@lemmy.ml come say hi
Calling out Russian disinfo is the greatest crime on lemmy.ml
I’m banned from most of it and when that came so did a perma ban to us news at Midwest.social
@davel@lemmy.ml come say hi
Nytimes is a propaganda rag.
Only useful for seeing what sort of shit is being pushed.
I mean from my point of view you’re underthinking it.
The design of page layouts for print media is incredibly precise, but that’s not even the issue.
Just like think of any generic magazine. Most of the text is placed in paragraphs around illustrations and quotes and sidebars and whatnot.
Just rotating it will fuck all that up, much like when you move an image in word. (lol)
But yeah that’s “overthinking” it in the sense that while that was important to an entire industry, it was basically just one industry, and everyone used/uses pdf for generic documents without a designed specific layout, and those do rotate, no problem.
Edit no wait you were 100% right I was way overthinking it. You’re just basically saying you’re not rotating the content on the page, but whether it’s on its side on the reader or not, lol. Yeah my bad way overthought it you were absolutely right
They did yeah, the burning of the clinic is pretty fucking historic, and not in a good way.
But the poem doesn’t specify them, is my point. Maybe it should, but I guess it wasn’t the hot issue at the time.
I’ve dreamed of being in free-minded parties in the 1920’s Germany.
This is what something like that could look like (where I got my dreams from.)
If you have specific graphics on the page which are designed to fit a portrait or a a landscape, they may not transfer well.
Just remember the outrage people have over people not filming thing in landscape, because then one ends up watching a fullscreen video on pc that’s 80% black screen and only a sliver of actual footage on the screen, but we’re used to it.
The page layout is incredibly precise work for most things related to print, however if you’re just using PDF to relay text, it doesn’t really matter at all. But PDF is something you can have as print quality, so you work on a project, you make a PDF, then you take that PDF to the print and they print it in whatever size or colour, but the layout will be the same.
Yea if its just text its very understandable.
Well it would entirely depend on the document how well it rotates.
Rotating isn’t the issue, really, just how well it rotates.
Prints designed for portrait or landscape can be hard if not impossible to rotate properly.
Pure text documents, no problem. edit well the usual fuckery, can be shit. but like some are just impossible to properly rotate if the graphics are designed for portrait or landscape or etc
I was born in the 80’s, I did IT bachelor’s and then print design studies which used all of the Adobe suite and I genuinely don’t understand what rotating a pdf means.
My first OS was DOS.
Edit my point is I’m sure I know how to, I just don’t know what it means
Knick knack paddy whack give the pole a caddyshack
I’m honestly not even sure where it’s from.
Also good doors are a pretty hood defense.
I know one Albanian born side who lived in NYC since he was like 2-3, so pretty much a native American. Dude told me it’s so weird how you “need two hands to open a door in Finland”.
I hadn’t thought of it, but yeah, sort of. You can open it one handed but it requires a bit of grip strength. Or sometimes you actually do require two hands, one to unlock the door and one to turn the handle.
Our locks are so good that lock picking lawyer has only picked the one that’s from like 1907. I don’t know whether anyone can pick the newer models, like even the older newer ones, like exec. And exec 2 is far more secure.
Is This Novelty Lock Better Than EVERY Master Lock?
This is a novelty lock with the 1907 patent. LPL says it’s as or more pick-resistant than any MasterLock.
This is what my door looks like. Eh. Some problem with image uploads but whatever. The guy who lived in NYC just said that “kicking down doors” really isn’t a movie thing, but that lots of apartment buildings in NYC really would have such flimsy doors you could just kick them in.
Guess we also have this because it’s weatherproofing at the same time.
No no, I did think of that.
Edit i thought the wrong context but the general sentiment still applies even though I thought I was deeper in the thread. End edit
And in the case where a supposed home invader is armed, pulling an gas powered rubber bullet gun is a really bad choice.
But that’s why context matters.
Jim Jefferies makes good points about hypothetical home invasions. Supposed to keep the guns locked up instead of sleeping with a gun under your pillow, so what’s the use when you have to get them out of a safe (but that’s not a critical point as there’s plenty of fast acting finger print etc safes in the us etc).
Anyway it’s kinds comical that Jim Jefferies made such good points in this (pt1) routine (pt2) that they ended up showing the clip for law students in universities when discussing the dicussion around gun laws.
The point I’m making about the 2A defendenerds (that’s on purpose) haven’t been seen much for the past few months, because even the conservatives in the US see how obviously Trump is fucking up America. Ironically, usually the people who defended the 2A and people who voted for Trump overlap a lot in venn diagrams.
Their main excuse for defending it was “it’s to protect against authoritarianism and abuse of power”.
Now the Trump administration is clearly totalitarian and no-one is forming “well regulated militias.”
Meaning we get to say “we told you so” about 2A. Which isn’t too happy because of why we get to say it. But… we do. We told them so.
“You can’t talk to or about Americans if you’re not American”
Edit my point roughly earlier being just to chat and also Americans can buy these less-lethal weapons for defense as well. Sinking a 9mm slug into someone has a very high chance to kill I’d say compared to rubber bullets even if you roar and act like the Punisher and dish them out by the dozens. So like for people who don’t want to kill other people but still seek defensive capability…? Perhaps?
No need brother, I’m Finnish.
I wear a leather jacket and have some abs so knifes won’t kill me as easy and guns are very rare in Finland. Also I do have a keychain that’s basically two finger brass knuckles and a pepper spray (which I might add is illegal in Finland). That’s honestly being somewhat highly armed for a Finn.
I didn’t used to have either but bought them a few months ago when I this junkie got mad at me for telling him the bus filled to the brim at 2pm isn’t the place to sing drunken karaoke.
I mean I could’ve prolly taken him, but I also know him from when I used to drink with my neighbour who sat like 10 years for murder, so I’d prefer not to get into a life or death situation with a person like that as either I’ll probably have to take a life or give mine and I’m not ready to give mine so…
Pepperspray should be enough to disable punks like that though without having to get physical. But you can get an assault charge for using one because you’d need a permit for one.
I do have a bow hanging by my door but the poundage is quite small.
I could legally get like a somewhat high powered air pistol. They even make like short shotgun models out of them and you can buy all sorts of nasty-ass arrows into them and the launch velocity is nothing to sniff at.
The rubber bullets would hurt, but they wouldn’t stop an assailant. But a few arrows to center mass? That could.
And I sure the steelballs, even once with rubber coating, make one think twice about approaching. But with the sawed off shotty that can be armed with arrows you only get two shots. Then there’s like basic pistol equivalents 0.43 balls 9 in a clip or smth. And a revolver and that can be loaded with sharp ammo as well. Like a tiny spike. The magazine ones don’t take those.
Shit like that.
But no-one really needs them. You know what we do for home safety? Good doors, sturdy walls and proper locks.
First they came for the trans people, and I did not speak out, because I was not trans… .
(anti-fascist poem from Germany with a modern twist)
Not many 2A defenders around these days.
“But we need it to be able to revolt in case of a fascist takeover of the government!”
They’re on a carriage that’s like pontooned at the bottom, being pulled by the horse and driver who each have their own balloons.
edit oh wait d’you mean the ones in the back right my bad dk about them
Yeah google that maybe FBI and check historical connotations