Behold, pies r square
Awesome endorsement from the Muskrat
La Resistance might be one person but it’ll happen
The Revolutionary Committee
I’m pretty salty they’ve effectively stolen the red/black scheme, ngl.
Of course, one might also note the Nazis did that too.
Red hat, white letters.
Black hat, white letters.
What are the colors of the Nazi flag?
Babylon and lax consumer protections, name a better combo
He got his money 🤑
They’ll pave it over and accelerate the destruction of arable land while also screaming about population decline.
That does tend to be implied when you make a claim
Right, you should be murderously furious, not outraged.
You can be wrong about things, you know. It’s okay.
I’m pretty sure they actually exist
Lets Fucking Gooooooo
Everyone that plays HOI knows the Civil War is the good timeline, in Germany or America.
Forget the credit card, tell me you’re on anxiety meds.
If you say so, and obviously that trucker couldn’t shoot the guy walking out with snacks.
That’s impossible.
Ich_iel gets “mad” about it, but when they say “sprich Deutsch” just respond with “macht mir” and they get confused.
I’m just imagining some trucker who didn’t see the sign walking into the store to buy some snacks
“Why don’t Americans just launch The Revolution?”
If only all it took was the government doing a genocide
Jim Crow. America was scared of fucking everything and everyone not an upper class Anglo-Saxon white man.