The great thing about the core philosophy of unix is that you could easily do what you suggest and maintain compatibility with applications that rely on the traditional coreutils (Which is the major reason why no one will really suggest changing the traditional syntax. It’ll break way too much.).
Just build a series of applications that actively translates your “less ambiguous” commands into traditional syntax. I’ve done it for a number of things where the syntax is long and hard to remember.
In fact I think a “nuutilus” would actually be fairly well received for distributions that are more new user focused and a pretty worthwhile endeavor.
I say “easily” because it wouldn’t require a major effort on the scale of coreutils. It could just be a series of fancy automation scripts. It’ll take effort, but not the most intense of exercises.
I made a handful of them at an old job because we had a few specific tasks that we would regularly do, but not enough to commit it to memory. I just spent an afternoon here and there slapping together python scripts with just the options we would need and tossed it into /bin