Wise, wise decision.
I swear it is true, though probably not the first search result. Citation available upon request.
Wise, wise decision.
I swear it is true, though probably not the first search result. Citation available upon request.
Rule 34 of the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition: War is good for business
Well, that’s just a new level of fucked up cruel. Their plan from the start, but certainly not the last.
I’m out of swears at the moment. Care to lend me some?
I should clarify, it was a free inspection, courtesy of the shop, with the car in for a repair I scheduled, not at the request of government.
We so have “star stations” where some vehicles can be selected for more elaborate smog-related inspections, but that can be a crapshoot.
I’ve had one car pass only if we installed leaky OEM exhaust pipes on, and another fail because it did not have a CARB decal on the catalytic converter. (Fun fact, the cat we were forced to buy and install didn’t have a decal either, but it “passed” after. Yeah, it was a shakedown)
Not looking for perfect, but I’m not finding consistency with this math. I’ve had tire non-alighment related issues this year including a blowout and crunching scenarios doesn’t come up with a tax applicable to road wear.
I ran rumbers on a few cars I have access to ranging from 2100 lbs to 7100 lbs. You can use estimated miles and load rating, but your tax would be worst case scenarios. I also put larger tires on a very light car because the amount it floated on the freeway stock was disconcerting.
Point is, if everyone had to use OEM, it would be a bit more accurate. But the variety in material, application, and availability adds a lot of variable as to make this moot.
My second lightest and second heaviest car in all my family use the same tire.
Only time my car has been inspected has been a rare repair or during smog tests, and many are exempt.
Actually, yeah, it was 120,000 mile service. New clutch, water pump, timing belt, and synchro ring. Pretty much the only inspection. Hmmm, timing belt is coming up again…
Hey, he just said most lethal aircraft. He did not specify friend or foe.
Tire wear is not as standard as you are implying. There are many factors in tire wear including the hardness of the rubber compound. Stickier tires for better steering and braking wear faster than, say, high mileage tires for hybrids to get the best MPG or electric range.
The tires on my hybrid are designed for more miles that my Honda that weighs half a ton less.
Bummer to see them go, but the movie industry is notorious for screwing over production studios. They stopped being useful or creative teams wanted better pay; cut off life support and find a new crew. This outcome was planned in a meeting ages ago.
Oh that would still apply. It’s the application of law that defines the new American caste system.