Yes. Every unoccupied Tesla deserves a good, stiff… drink.
Yes. Every unoccupied Tesla deserves a good, stiff… drink.
Trump: worship me
Auto makers: you literally fucked us all over.
Trump: and I expect you to thank me for it.
I’ve wanted to see him arrested for a while now too. I wonder if there’s a way to class-action sue him for trashing the government/economy. After all, he’s unelected and not even technically a government employee - just some rich asshole granted authority without mandate.
So what this suggests to me is that zoomers are so up their own cell phones that they never bothered to learn how to use pepper computers. That almost funny. Mocking laughter is warring with weary head shaking in me.
Y’all wouldn’t listen when we told you how bad Trump was. You deserve whatever you get now.
Well it’s either that or we have to unplug it and plug it back in.
But it made Elon money and broke shit, so it served it’s unstated purpose.
1 is already very similar to my pen of choice, and 2 used to be my pen of choice. So depending on how they feel, one of them.
If it’s a legitimate trap, I’ll start by escaping the house via the most expedient means, destructively if necessary.
Once in the maze I’ll utilize the right-hand rule (or left-hand, it literally doesn’t matter as long as you’re consistent about it) to find the exit. If no exit is able to be located, I’ll switch to an effort to find the beans to create an exit, or otherwise forcible escape the labyrinth’s perimeter.
Hypothesis: Conservatives will refuse to believe contradicting facts regardless of punishment.
Experiment: Use increasingly painful stimulus for negative reinforcement when subjects espouse harmful views, ie racism.
Okay, humorously…
Eating pizza with a fork. If you’re afraid of hot grease burning a trail down your arm, you don’t deserve to enjoy good pizza.
Reasonable exceptions for children and the disabled can be made.
But if you put ranch on it you should be thrown in Guantanamo Bay.
Couldn’t even make it 3 months without doing a felony. Is that a record?
Every politician in that chat should be impeached. I know it won’t remove them from office because the fucking Republicans lose even the pretext of ethics when one of their own is in trouble, but it should still be pushed to a vote.
It’s straight outta the conservative playbook. It’s how their entire rotten brains work.
I love how the government is now just assholes in a shitty group chat.
So Trump wanted to get the gold from fort Knox so he could hand it over to Chinese hackers?
Democrat breaks laws; Republicans: 🤬💣🔥
Republican breaks laws; Republicans: 😊👍🌈
It’s even worse than that. Americans were too lazy, stupid, and gullible to stop it. So many people just punch whoever the ® candidate is in their ballot, if there’s even an option not to. They don’t even know who they’re voting for or understand the facts about what everyone’s talking about. The average voter doesn’t even know that tariffs against another country are a tax on us all, for example. Never mind the fact that it’s the most basic economic idea of “if the manufacturer pays more then they’ll charge you more.” There ones with opinions usually just swallow whatever bullshit that Fox spoons into their mouths; conservative minds are programmed to accept on faith whatever the guy at the top says as gospel, the obvious religious analogy being part of said training.