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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: November 4th, 2023


  • DJI drones, for example, broadcast an ID at a loud enough wattage that it can literally be triangulated and traced back to the controlling radio Tx without any difficulty.

    It got a lot ruzzian wannabe drone pilots killed early on in their invasion of Ukraine, before they learned to change the firmware on them first.

    Edit: It’s trivial to build an FPV drone from parts nowadays, there is no way anyone should be using DJI drones for tasks such as the OP.

    DJI stuff is more expensive, less durable, and less user serviceable.

  • As an outsider whose overton window isn’t calibrated to US norms, it’s because the “Democrats” aren’t anything like left wing, same as “Labour” in the UK.

    They’re both neoliberal centre-right parties masquerading as left wing for votes.

    What you appear to be deeply emotionally connecting to “left wing” is simply authoritarianism, which is neither left or right, and exactly the playbook Trump is reading from.

    You would be well served to read some political theory explainers that aren’t US based. It may open your eye to exactly how hard you’re about to be fucked over the barrel by those that are supposed to be serving you, not themselves. 💛