There should be a target date fund, do that. It automatically rebalances as you reach your target date. So if you plan to retire in 2050, pick the 2050 fund.
There should be a target date fund, do that. It automatically rebalances as you reach your target date. So if you plan to retire in 2050, pick the 2050 fund.
More like mv a/somedirectory/andanother/thenonemore/longfilenameislong b/another_directory/directory2/stillmore2goanddontmisspellanything
Sometimes you just want to move a file from folder to another.
Either one guy is going to get super jelous or the two guys will hook up and dump her simultaneously.
Look them up on ebay/marketplace/mercari, give to friends or free group on fb, donate to good local charity, dump junk at goodwill, garbage. All in that order
Sorry, can’t help you there, you need a bank account for ebay. I would check your credit report and make sure it’s not fucked up. Employers check that too, could be why you keep getting passed up. There’s always fb marketplace and craigslist.
You can always use it as goodwill for your business. Take a selfie with the cops and make a facebook post like “Another stolen phone recovered thanks to the local pd!” People eat that shit up and it gives you some legitimacy and clout, maybe even a piece in the newspaper about how you just like helping the community.
It’s not a lot, but it’s another revenue stream to consider.
You can also tell people you’ll recycle it for them and actually just fix it yourself if they’re not going fix it anyway.
I sell a lot of vintage electronics like vcr’s, tape decks even a laser disc player for $300 one time. I have a whole package of random belts for the tape decks, which are easy to replace. I also do a lot of car parts as well as other random items. If you have a source for those hotel lock parts that are getting thrown away anyway then look uo how much they sell for. (Search ebay and filter by sold)
There’s places you can mail just the valuable boards and take scrap steel and copper to the metal recycler. Don’t take tv’s or smoke detectors. Sell good parts on ebay.
Offer to buy or recycle #3.
#2 parts like control boards and power supplies are worth money on ebay.
#1 maybe crimestoppers money. See if you can get the serial number and check with the device manufacturer or the cops.
Just start fixing devices yourself. Make a professional looking ad and do it at home. Advertise on your local facebook groups. Just be upfront about not having a shop yet. Buy broken devices and fix/resell them. Offer electronics recycling and get stuff for free that you can resell/scrap for money. If you need help with ebay I can write up a guide. I’ve been selling for 20 years.
I beleive it’s a genetic disease. There’s an acctress that looks similar, who’s name I can’t remember now. She’s a commedian with short dark hair. Sorry, my memorry is not great.
People with her facial features have heart issues (I can’t remember what it’s called) she was probably having a lot of stress from just watching the news.
paint your face like a tiger
There’s a better chance of Trump going to prison than any attourney ever facing any consequences.
I assumed this is why dems are acting so weak.
One time an IRS agent caught an ICE agent in a global csam bust. (Welcome to video)