The President doesn’t have authority over Courts like that.
Congress regulate the scope of the Courts per Article III Section 1 of the Constitution. However, the Courts have the ability to rule any law unconstitutional that changes their authority too much.
Congress cannot get rid of the supreme court. It must always exist. But they can reduce the size to a single judge.
Hypothetically speaking, Congress can change the Justice system to be a single court with a single judge. Now they can reduce the size, but they can only impeach judges out of their job. So if they reduced the size to a single judge, they would have to wait until all the other justices died off or impeach the eight they want to get rid of.
The President only has the power to appoint Judges. And also Executive Orders only apply to the Executive. So EOs don’t apply to Congress or the Judicial.
All that said, nothing stops the President from arresting Judges and throwing them in jail until the President gets his way. No President does that because that would likely lead to a very bad place for the US.
Of course that only applies to Presidents who give two shits about the country. So to answer your question, normally no. With Trump? I mean it wouldn’t surprise me if he started disappearing judges he didn’t like.
If at any point she actually believed Trump was going to do that, then mission accomplished. Her energy to empower Trump was wasted and she is only a fraud to herself.
I have very little in any expectation that she will learn from this. She will absolutely believe the next con man and lose again. That whole
Is just so devoid of any rational thought that I find it difficult to believe this person is real. And if what she says is indeed the fact, she’s too blind, lacking a better appreciation of how government works, or some mixture of both that one could likely bank on her falling for this exact same con several more times in her life.
There’s just no way anyone could have listened to Trump in the run up and bought so blindly what he was pitching. Just a simple basic understanding of the notion that humans lie is enough to have seen past Trump. Truly if this whole story is true, there’s not a stopping this lady from more self flagellation. She is in a position that being a rational thinking person would not get themselves into, so there is no rational means to help her escape her level of desire to cause self harm.