Half the articles nowadays can be answered by one response:
“Fuck the South!”
Half the articles nowadays can be answered by one response:
“Fuck the South!”
And we still screwed it up and let the south keep slavery for 100 years just changing the name to Jim Crow.
And now they’ve finally won their civil war, segregation academies are coming back and everything .
He needs to be assassinated, it’s their only hope of maintaining terror.
If he gets through a trial the chances of a hung jury are pretty high, and that’s proof the system isn’t invincible.
So I remembered how the autoreverse worked on my toshiba, there was a roller on a rocker arm with a spring, when that roller displaced from tension the rocket arm triggered the action.
I’m pretty much positive it’s the spring, but you might be able to test this by finding the rocker arm and adding tension with a paper clip to see if the problem stops.
Np, good luck.
I miss my old Walkman from when I was young (actually think the one I used most was a Toshiba). Favorite was a Panasonic fm radio though, still love that thing, might have it in storage actually.
They were awesome for the time, best of luck with yours, ask if you have other questions!
Oh, the sensor itself could be glitching, but I kind of doubt that, the springs almost always go first.
If the speeds are right, that’s almost a smoking gun for a weak autoreverse spring.
You might be able to jury-rig it temporarily, I don’t know this unit’s design, but either remove the spring and replace it with string or wire so the autoreverse sensor can’t trigger, or fix the spring itself.
Pull it and see what kind of tension it has.
Heat treating is the proper method to fix it, here’s the directions from chatgpt, it’s not wrong, usually I’ve just seen it kept relaxed and heated with a lighter for 10 seconds, then left to cool.
Heat the spring to ~400–600°F (204–316°C) depending on material (e.g., music wire, stainless).
Hold for 30 minutes.
Let it cool slowly in air.
I have had a long-term vision for decades, it basically involves waiting till the south goes too far (which they can’t help, their narcissistic evil has no concept of self-restraint), and rallying the decent parts of America (ie the rest) to stand against them.
But we can’t stand unless we admit the South is the unending fount of evil that it is.
100 years after the civil war they kept all the same features under Jim Crow, not because of economic reasons, but because they need to feel power from domination and cruelty.
I grew up in the midwest, they don’t have that naturally, they’re human, if a bit backwards, they mean well.
The south isn’t that, they are the enemy of the world, and the only way they win is when we pretend they are normal.
Sorry, also one of the capstans or rollers could be sticking, increasing the resistance which also signals that the tape has reached its end.
Interesting way to confirm: Does it autoreverse both ways equally? If so it is more likely to be the spring, if not then one of the capstans or rollers or the reversed lug is sticky.
The mechanism for detecting autoreverse needs attention.
Usually there’s a tension spindle that detects if the tape has ended, becauaw the pulling lug pulls and theres no more tape to feed.
Maybe the spring lost tension?
You need more info, probably an expert, but you can retension it by removing it and twisting it while heating in a fire (doesn’t work great but might be enough).
The fact that it was classified was classified beyond her clearance.
By Trump, after the fact, by his mind.
Ether doesn’t use power (or like, very much) and it’s what a lot of other chains are based off of.
Also runaway jury was a bit of a sleeper.
You clearly meant to say crimson tide.
It’s interesting, however, if you mkfs.ext4 without -E ssd, or through some weirdness in your driver chain the filsystem doesn’t know it can discard, then everything everywhere sucks for everyone, a cow fs is worse because no blocks are ever overwritten till the end, and the block map becomes a disaster while performance goes down the drain.
Nowadays this rarely happens outside of very broken USB mass storage chips.
This is why we used to have the fstrim command.
The fs does cow then releases the old block if appropriate.
The ssd has a tracking map for all blocks, it’s cow relies on a block being overwritten to free the old block.
Basically it works out the same either way.
4 is bad because parity is on one drive so no matter what happens that drive is the write bottleneck. Raid5 is basically raid4 + raid0.
5 is just fine but low safety, I run 6 always and it has basically never let me down.
Meh, ssds are basically cow by nature anyway, you have to erase large blocks, you can’t just rewrite into them.
They don’t care.
He’s hurting people they hate, that’s all they care about.
Nah, just the normal south.