listen man, if you’re going to hire me for an IT position, you better assume i will do nothing other than linux, unless you want to pay me a lot more fucking money, or want me to be very mad, all of the time.
listen man, if you’re going to hire me for an IT position, you better assume i will do nothing other than linux, unless you want to pay me a lot more fucking money, or want me to be very mad, all of the time.
nah, don’t even think about it, i want help from people who actually know what they’re talking about.
god, haha, no, you’re embarrassing, but that’s down to your behavior, pedo.
ah, you’re funny, you remind me a dog, capable of only expressing the most fundamental of emotion and connection. Due to millennia of evolutionary selection.
You admitted to abusing children, it doesn’t matter what you’d like at this point.
i don’t recall doing that, weirdly enough, seems like you’re just taking what i say, and then inverting it, to cope and make yourself feel better, rather than actually provide any witty comeback, or better yet, just stop replying. Unfortunately for you i just look like a better person than you.
you aussie or something? Would explain why cost of housing is so unbelievably fucked for you, unless you’re traveling. Unfortunately for the rest of the world our housing is affordable, in comparison to aussie realestate.
Eh, what do i know, maybe you’re from NZ or something funny.
evidently not, but then again, if there was no sin in the world, sin couldn’t possibly exist could it? There would be no bad, or good, only things. But it does exist, so evidently, people must be doing it.
Seems like it must be a constant of life. Especially when you look at other species of animals. Morality and ethics is an arbitrarily defined human scope. It’s nothing more, nothing less.
Elon has been publicly shitty for years. The widespread arson didn’t start until he was in the government. You’re disproving your own position. It’s clear that his role in the government was a trigger.
it’s also been a fairly slow burn up until he started donating money to trump, and then inevitably, became a part of the government.
People have high thresholds for when things are deemed “problematic” and right now, it seems like elon musk is definitionally, an oligarch.
and again, i said it previously, just because something is motivated by political reasons, doesn’t mean it’s being done for political reasons. The whole point of terrorism, is doing terror, explicitly for the purposes of political power. Obviously burning property to the ground isn’t going to be very conducive of this.
And sweet jesus dude… tesla is not a private company. It’s public. How are you not aware of that. Elon just happens to own 90 billion dollars worth of it. His stake is essentially private property. Maybe that’s what you were hinting at, but the distinction is important for other reasons.
oh sorry, you’re right, it is a public company. My mistake. Surely that makes it more of a government entity right? Surely public companies are strictly protected against terrorism than private companies are. Surely, that must be the case.
Terrorism is simply violence to achieve political aims. It doesn’t matter whether the entities are public or private. If someone bombed a house full of a politicians family members to make a political point, that would obviously be terrorism, regardless of the fact that only private property and non government employees were harmed, because the goal of the act was clearly political.
yeah, this is a clear cut case of terrorism. But if you’re going to start defining something like politically motivated arson as terrorism, you’re only a few steps away from defining something like a mass public protest as “verbal terrorism” which, must be just as effective as real physical terrorism.
well yeah, it’s an insult. That’s like looking at a gun, and then being really confused when it’s capable of killing somebody.
Insults aren’t commonly derived from compliments, they’re often derived from offensive terminology, or context. That’s arguably the whole point.
Well read the post again. One girl was furious that raunchy texts were shared. Looks like we’ve solved the mystery lol.
yeah, that implies shit like “im so horny i wanna fuck you right now” not literal nudes.
though yes, sharing things without consent is definitely immoral, or unethical. It’s hard to argue otherwise. Even in the case of derek.
no, you’re assuming i care about the poster, for all i care this isn’t even a real scenario.
I’m more concerned with how people are justifying immediately flipping on something like this with this little information, and to be fair, a number of people did concede that.
i didn’t say it was designed for autistic people.
Though i can assure you that something like i3wm, was probably designed by an autistic person.
> be me
> zoomer
> use linux
> i use linux
> i don’t know how to use windows, or macos
> i dont know how to use the most popular operating systems
> wait
> i am the joke now
meanwhile windows users complacent in learning complex muscle memory in order to navigate only the most autistic UI design ever created (it was windows)
idk i like pissing people off on the internet i guess. It’s how i get my read on social norms these days.
As the ancient reddit thread once said, tell everyone that they’re doing it wrong, and everybody will immediately help you to find the answer. (they will just be an asshole about it)
Works great here too!
bro i make fun of my friends in public. I don’t talk to people unless it’s a group. Simple as.
If it’s ok for me to be harsh with people in public, i see no reason to stop being harsh with them in private, assuming it meets those boundaries.
i know, i spent so long making it, please respond, i sent you pictures of my toe beans. ._.
motherfucker is literally an insult, but ok.
mine is prescribed, like yours should be.
im not the professor am i?
cool cute little ping to my user bro. You literally said you were the professor, i literally said i was your kid. Maybe you should read the room and figure out that i’m the one playing you.
I do nothing inappropriate with my students, sexual or otherwise
in any case, that’s fine, i wouldn’t want to be a cause for sexual harassment or assault would i?
You and they are going to need a lot of counseling because of your illness and selfishness.
unfortunate, do you teach psychology by chance?
to be clear, the wiki page you explicitly linked literally say it has a historical connotation, and the primary example it lists is from checks notes 53 years ago.
I’m going to hazard a guess that the sentiment has probably changed, a little bit. Since 1972. 1972 to be clear, was 8 years after the passing of the civil rights act. It’s a bit of a different time period now.
anyway point is, i’m not convinced anybody cares about using this as a homophobic slur anymore.
Sorry for the short temper, this thread has been too long and I already explained this on another comment.
it’s whatever, that’s how the internet is lol. This thread has been more than amusing for me thus far.
and tesla is a private company that he owns? Elon in the government, and elon that runs tesla are two unrelated things.
Sure people are motivated against elon due to his political advancements, specifically those made INTO government.
But tesla is STILL a private company, that isn’t even under the ownership of musk, it’s a board of directors. At best this is property destruction and arson.
Otherwise you’re arguing very quickly that ANY private entity is immediately therefore a protected subspecies of the US federal government, and any action taken against it, is by definition, terrorism.
yeah idk, i think legally that might be classified as a “sick burn”
listen bro, i’m not the one talking about fucking children right now, ok. That’s all im gonna say, smells like projection on your part.