This was far too polite and free of insults upon the direct reports’ capabilities and work ethic. Try “what the fuck do I pay you for? Get it done yesterday!”
I used to be in those rooms. It wasn’t healthy.
This was far too polite and free of insults upon the direct reports’ capabilities and work ethic. Try “what the fuck do I pay you for? Get it done yesterday!”
I used to be in those rooms. It wasn’t healthy.
That has been my experience too. The not expected actually there for you friend. There are friends we feel close to and friends who would drop everything to come lend aid. There may be some overlap between those two groups, but don’t mistake the former for the latter.
It’s appreciated! I don’t expect men to cross to the other side of the street, but some little noise to signal your friendly or neutral approach helps.
I’m an avg size woman and I had to consciously make noise to not give my mom jump scares. I guess I am a naturally quiet walker.
I don’t think a cassowary has anything to fear from a house cat. Even a cuddly one. Most I’ve met are ornery as heck though.
Billy Madison
No milk will ever be our milk.
If peeing your pants is cool then consider me Miles Davis!
He called the shit poop!
What you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
That’s the neat thing about paint. It’s very easy to change the color if it doesn’t work out.
If you want commitment free pizazz, find some removable wallpaper in a cozy color.
That’s brilliant! Why hasn’t anyone made one of these better bean bag chairs?
I’m sorry your sister is getting bullied. I’m not sure if they had a friendship enough to where your sister can ask her why she’s being like this, and that her behavior is hurtful.
Or if this is one of those cases where the bully needs a punch in the face to respect boundaries.
That also made me wonder if the bully is getting bullied herself at home or by other kids, so she’s acting out because she’s miserable too.
And/or blackout curtains as well. They pull double duty as an insulating layer, not just blocking light.
I don’t know why exactly, but I imagine it’s similar to recurring nightmares about trauma. I had frequent ones following a horrible work situation. I’m a few years past it, but I still have an occasional one to make sure my sleep is ruined. I think of it as my brain compulsively poking a spot where I hurt over and over to see if it still hurts.
I think we’d compile a shorter list if we tried to name wholesome, respectable companies.
Teal is my favorite color and yet I own no Makita. I’m very agnostic otherwise. Have things in all the other “houses” plus Harbor Freight brands and Kobalt.
Cheap > breaks > upgrade is my motto
Sounds like you’re looking for the time honored Bank of Mattress Stuffed with Cash or their counterpart, Coffee Can Under the Sink Savings & Loan.
If you’re truly committing to off grid, go full analog.
Otherwise you just sound like a poorly veiled ad for some sketchy unregulated money exchange.
Has there been any evaporation? I.e. a condensing or concentration of the, uh, non-H2O properties of the liquid?