Go for it dude. I’ve been working out ny whole life and have never paid for a gym membership (I used the gym at college, then at my various apartments, and then when I got a house I set up a home gym). You can get an awesome workout in with nothing more than some free weights, a bench and a little creativity. You mention being a “total novice,” but I feel like most people that go to a gym are working out on their own anyways so unless you’re thinking of getting a personal trainer there’s really not much difference. If you have any questions about form just take a look on YouTube.
The other factor is, what will motivate you to exercise more? For me, it’s the convenience of knowing i can just walk into a room in my house and work out. Whereas I know some people that are more motivated by group exercise classes. So you’ll have to figure that out yourself.
If I’m in an elevator alone with a woman or something I will usually just give a friendly nod and adopt a very relaxed posture, like leaning against the wall. The youtuber Contrapoints talked about this exact scenario in one of her videos (a black man whistling in the elevator so she wouldn’t feel scared) and it made me more aware of it.