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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 24th, 2024


  • Depends


    All these game will work swimmingly. Those marked playable will usually work perfectly fine out of the box, but maybe have an ugly launcher or something you need to use the touchscreen for. Those marked unplayable will have bugs but in my experience work fine too. There’s a more detailed less conservative compatibility db online too.

    In terms of power it’s about between a PS4 and PS4 Pro, with a faster CPU, more RAM, slower GPU, but with a really fast NVMe SSD so games like CP2077 are very playable but not at the highest settings.

    Gotta remember the Deck has a 7.4" 800p screen, so its not comparable to the horse power needed for a PC at 4K or something.

    Most consoles end up around the same render res once you’ve accounted for checkerboarding, dynamic res and DLSS/FSR nonsense.

    The deck also does shader pre-compilation and caching for games on steam so it often performs much better compared to a Windows PC with the same hardware for example.

    Anything ray tracing is out of the question though as it uses AMD, not Nvidia.

    I don’t play AAA games (nor know what new ones are there) - if you have a game in mind I could try it and report back?

    The only game I tried that it really struggled with was NFS Unbound.

    I was also able to do PS3 emulation on it, including Skate 3 and Motorstorm.

  • Mixing the two philosophies of coreutils and unix bins and whatever is happening in PowerShell seems even more unholy to me than the phrase “object oriented result”, but different strokes.

    I gave up on PowerShell on Windows as a plausible alternative to Bash on Linux the minute I realized there’s no real equivalent tocat, there’s type or if you hate yourself - Get-Content which is aliased as cat but doesn’t really work the same way.

    If I can’t even very basically list a file irregardless of what’s in it, it’s just dead out of the gate.

    On Linux, I once sent myself an MP3 from my server to my laptop with cat song.mp3 | base64 -w0 > /dev/tcp/ because I cba to send ssh keys.

    I’ll give modern windows a few points - the new terminal emulator application is sweet, and having ssh makes it easy to login to remotely.

    PowerShell is a strange programming language that makes me wish I was just writing C#.

    Bash is a shell language. At its heart it’s a CLI, emphasis on the I, it’s the primary way of interacting with a computer, not a way to write programs. Even awk is arguably better suited.

    That’s why it neither needs to be verbose nor readable for complete beginners, you memorize it the same way you memorize where buttons are on a keyboard or what items you can expect in a right click context menu on Windows.

    Most bash scripts people write are far too complex for it and could stand a rewrite in perl or python or heck, what I think actually works amazing as a “scripting language” - C.

  • Versus:

    man $commamd

    PowerShell might be okay script syntax for people with uncorrected sight issues and the elderly who’s heart might not handle bash without set -e but to be useful as a CLI shell prompt that is your primary way of interacting with the computer like it can be on Linux it needs to be so so so much shorter. I’ll be dead by the time I type out half the shit it’d be like 4 key presses total on Linux.

    And that’s before you get to the issues of it being a whole object oriented and typed programming language with .NET whereas shell is nice universal text everywhere that can be piped around however you want.

    There are even those absolute mad lads who unironically use PowerShell on Linux.

    Learning the absolute basics of how to use tmux, vim, sed, awk and grep and pipes and redirects and the basics of handling stdin and stdout genuinely made me feel like all my life I was an NPC in the matrix and now I’m Neo just because passing around bits of text is so powerful when everything works on that basis.

  • Huh? What algorithm? Where?

    Lemmy has no algorithm in the way that you mean it.

    Which is to say: there are a number of sort options like “top”, “hot” or “scaled” which work purely on the basis of upvotes or downvotes and don’t involve the actual content within the posts whatsoever.

    It also has no “suggested” or “for you” and no personalization or data harvesting, the sort being based purely on upvotes or downvotes also doesn’t artificially skew the content politically in any which way.

    It’s also completely open source so if that changed, not only would people find out immediately, but they’d be able to fork it and undo the change and maintain their own version.

    Any instance then using an unfair sort feature would be defederated from.

    So I don’t understand what you mean at all to be honest.

  • But I think the problem with trans rights is that it has become politicized

    Ultimately all trans issues stem from healthcare access which is why the right is going after that.

    If given healthcare especially at the appropriate age without years and years of waiting, gatekeeping and other Kafkaesque nonsense, trans people blend into society and accommodations wouldn’t even be necessary.

    • Women’s toilets panic? - Can’t do that if most trans people pass.

    • Women’s sports panic? - Can’t argue about physical advantages of male puberty if trans women don’t go through it in the first place

    • “They’re just mentally ill!” - can’t argue that if trans folks are in good mental health as a result of their treatment.

    • “They’re just faking for attention!” - can’t argue that if they’re not attracting attention in the first place.

    • “They’re not real women!!!” - yeah but I can’t tell them apart so…

    • “They’re sexual deviants!” - Can’t argue that if they have a well adjusted sexuality from growing up relatively more normally.

    • “They’re delusional!” - Can’t argue that if to most people they look like the sex they transitioned to.

    • “They’re trying to control our speech with pronouns!” - Can’t argue that if most people just gender them correctly because they pass.

    But take that away and it’ll drive trans folks insane and make some ask for accommodations from society. And that gives ammunition to the right.

    Most people don’t even believe in gender equality, tons of cis women don’t even believe in women’s right to abortions, and the number of people who think “females” are a different species is staggering. Visibility for trans folks isn’t a good thing.

    Just like with the gay moral panic over S&M and leather gays the very exclusion of people from society made them different enough to be a target later on.

    there are plenty of backwards people around who will shout loudly about just about anything, but any reversal (or anything else than gradual strengthening) of trans rights would come as a huge surprise to me.

    People shmeople none of this at all relevant tbqh, people have opinions all over - the question is are they allowed to turn those opinions into policy by the elites.

    Going by the Wikipedia page:


    Access to Transgender health care in Denmark has become more restricted since 2023, due to concerns about the increase in number of patients transitioning.

    Dutch source and the translation isn’t helping, so take that with a grain of salt.

    Access to healthcare on paper in Denmark looks okay-ish, even puberty blockers aren’t banned, but apparently in practice the wait times are awful:

    Wait times for hormone therapy in Denmark are generally around 11-16 months, and wait times for bottom surgery in Denmark last 4-6 years. This leads many trans adults to seek healthcare abroad

    No idea about this source cited: https://www.humanrights.dk/lgbt-barometer/gender-affirming-care

    But if accurate, this still isn’t as bad as the UK though. Wait times for SRS are 10 years+ after diagnosis, which itself is a wait that can range from 4-10 years. Assuming European salaries unfortunately I doubt Danes have many options for private unless they’re well off.

    That said it’s not ideal

    Access to treatment requires several psychological sessions, during which patients report being required to present in a way reflecting stereotypical gender roles (i.e. trans men having to give ‘male’ answers)

    This is dated diagnostic criteria but ultimately harmless - most trans people will just say whatever gets them treatment.

    From the age of 15, the patient can consent to hormone treatment without parental involvement. Surgical options are not offered until the age of 18.

    This is really good.

    Mental illness is not necessarily a barrier to treatment, however if the doctor believes the dysphoria could be an aspect of said mental illness - in particular psychosis and autism, then it can be. Other contraindications that can serve as barriers to treatment include a history of abuse, self harm, and suicidal ideations.

    This is pretty bad because trans folks are particularly at risk from suicidal ideation before treatment and this tends to go away after, not to mention abuse from others.

    Depending on how extensively and stringently it’s enforced, that would be a de-facto ban, kind of like saying that trans people can get healthcare, but not if they have a history of things they’re statistically likely to have a history of.

    Quick glance at the /r/Transnord subreddit seems to more or less corroborate the wait times:


    they recently imposed a minimum age limit of 25 years of age for SRS not to mention a wait list of 5-10 years from what I’ve heard from other trans people here. You might also be underdosed on HRT since they aim for the absolute lowest hormone levels due to outdated guidelines.

    The poor hormones dosing is also not ideal but commonplace, here in the UK I frequently had to “request” (read: fight them at every opportunity and harass them daily until they gave in) the doctors to up the dose or prescribe specific meds because I knew better.

    Ironically now I have the opposite issue and the dose they’re giving me is far too high because they don’t even seem to understand I don’t have testicles anymore.

    The SRS (Sex Reassignment Surgery or “lower surgery” in PC speak) age limit is very stupid, due to waiting times I had to wait till 25 and it was hellish, every minute of it was torture, it should be set at 18.

    The backsliding of trans rights in Denmark from a brief skim doesn’t seem to be the worst I’ve seen by far, still, in the 90s an average trans person in the UK had it better.