Normies dont disapprove of anything until they literally have it happen to their face. They’ll be passively accepting until the day they or someone they know gets a visit from ICE and disappear.
Normies dont disapprove of anything until they literally have it happen to their face. They’ll be passively accepting until the day they or someone they know gets a visit from ICE and disappear.
Well that didn’t take long. I literally said nothing would happen and it’s already not happening.
Knowing how to actually navigate vim is worth learning. Especially if you work in embedded systems where a lot of the time you’re on setup that is running barebones and likely just has vi as a text editor.
But I used VSCode for dev work with the VIM plugin.
Yeah. Just do what normal autistic people like me do. Put earbuds in both ears.
As a power bottom I’m offended you would even consider this idiot to put in that much effort.
The Civil war is not the historical comparison to make. This is significantly more similar to Italy under Mussolini or Germany under Hitler. There is no clear state divide and geographical boundary set like that today. There is absolutely no chance of a Civil War.
Look at the leaders of every blue state trying to find their position in the new fascist state we have. Gavin Newsom being the most obvious example.
They will allow the purge of what the fascist consider “undesirables” from their state as long as they keep their position in the ruling class safe.
There will be no civil war. The only war to be fought within America is a class war.
I’m 50/50 on this. I think it will depend on if we’re in a full out WW3 by then. But you are correct. It’s important the illusion of democracy continues. It’s been an illusion for most of American history though.
It didnt help when the Liberals started agreeing with the Fascist nonsense to only offer Fascism Lite. Like, when Harris started having “build the wall” campaign ads I knew were we truly fucking lost.
A nice video on this topic made just as Trump took office. My Rubicon was crossed before then. But it’s a good way to remind yourself of where you are and where you were at previously. A good video to share to some normies that keep telling you you’re overreacting. They need to know where the Rubicon is. Otherwise they’ll just keep justifying each small step.
You think they’ll be an election? Ha!
I don’t know why but “Bear Share” became a joke between me and my friends. It was like we made fun of one kid for using it instead of whatever we were using at the time. I don’t remember why but that’s all I remember about it. Makes me laugh now. Joking with one of our friends about what P2P client was the best.
Torrent scene is still alive and well. Actually has been revived pretty heavily since streaming services have gone to shit. MP3s are easy enough to just rip from youtube using yt-dlp. Supports more than just yt despite the name. That has all the info about it but you probably want to update to the nightly versions since they are more likely to be up to date.
Back in my day we would chemically castrate people that used computers! They were modern day witches!
Better? This was the one I remember running Windows 95. I’m actually shocked at how white this one is. Was everything tinted more back in the 90s? Like going to Mexico in a movie. I feel like it adds a filter.
Off the top of my head others I remember were: Kazaa, Morpheus, Frostwire (when limewire went to shit). I’d say Kazaa was the one I used the most though during its time. Moved to torrents for movies/tv shows pretty quickly and limewire/frostwire for mp3s. Piratebay, ISOHunt, Demonoid (god i was so happy getting an invite there at 13 years old), mininova.
I was an addict. Would download shit I didn’t need and just use it because. Literally spent years learning how to animate in 3dsMax just because my brother in law told me that he “stole” a program that cost thousands of dollars. I think the keygen I downloaded for that was actually my first “letter” from Comcast. It scared the shit out of me at 14.
I had to buy a portable DVD-R drive to recover some old movies I made with friends as a kid. I felt old. The sound of the scratched disk trying to be read brought back trauma from when my first PS2 died.
I learned very quickly when I graduated with a CS degree in 2015 that every single actual engineer fucking hates him. Like everyone I met in San Jose hated him and Tesla. Except for maybe managers or executives no one with actual skill in that field respects him for anything. It’s like when he played PoE on stream and it was obvious to anyone that ever played games that he had no idea what he was doing. That’s basically how its felt for anyone that works for one of his companies or even works in a similar field. It’s been that way for us for well over a decade.
This is the difference between “Tech Bros” and people that work in Tech.
Insane.? Yes. Shocking? No. Escalating? Yes. They’ve been doing this for decades with prison labor and youth “education” programs. Of course their gonna expand it under the Milkshake Nazis.
It’s why every leftist with a brain has been shouting for decades against “work programs” to get food stamps and juvenile detention programs with private prisons. They build the structures for this to make is much easier for the population to accept.
Absolutely. And it has my full support. But he won’t ever see any consequences. The system made to empower oligarchs isn’t going to somehow tear down Oligarchs. But they are still absolutely worth doing as a form of resistance. I just don’t yhink people should be naive to think that that is the only part of resistance. It’s simply a method of delay to give us more time to organize.
There is only one thing throughout history that has brought people in Elon’s class position to justice.
Yes. But I think you underestimate passive acceptance. Half this country is not paying attention to anything that doesn’t directly damage their ability to eat and pay rent. If their social media algorithm doesn’t show them it then they basically have no idea and respond to surveys with the idea of “yeah, I don’t like criminals in the country”.