I just let Bitwarden chose my username lol
I just let Bitwarden chose my username lol
Damn that sucks if true. I really do feel bad for them, but like what is the point of me donating if he’s not going to speak out against this administration. Doesn’t he realize it’s not just about his situation, but for everyone else who’s also impacted by this? I rather give to another family that will not only use these funds to hopefully turn their situation around but also you know like then also give back/help others and speak out. To be honest I didn’t look into OP’s comment to fact check because you know I’m only human, busy and got problems of my own. If true though this is really sad …
I renewed my US passport about 6 months ago. I was eligible to renew online. Cost around $130 if I remember correctly. The online process was actually really easy and it came in the mail only a few weeks later (2-3 weeks). Highly recommend renewing online if you meet the eligibility requirements.