Let them rise… bring it on!
Let them rise… bring it on!
I think you’re interpreting this as me saying that we need moderate candidates to appeal to people who voted for Trump but I actually agree with most of what you wrote. I don’t think just any old leftist would work but my point is there does need to be some strategy or effort to widen the coalition, not just do everything the core voters want maximally.
For me, ideally this means left policies but maybe packaged in a slightly more palatable way. One thing that makes Trump appealing is that he’s been successful at convincing low-information voters that he’s some kind of reasonable, common-sense businessman. I don’t think this would exactly work for us but the point is that the persona and energy of the candidate is extremely important.
Classic reactionary take, now we must fight to the death.
The left and right are not fundamentally symmetrical and cannot use identical tactics and expect similar results. Most crucially, the right can align with the wealthy and powerful in society and use their wealth and control of media to allow a minority coalition to win power. There is no equivalent strategy the left can pursue. Our only strength is that we want to help people and we are more accepting of diversity, which allows us to create mass movements more easily. But that’s really the only way we’re going to ever make real progress, and that means building a very large coalition that at minimum includes moderates, traditionally disenfranchised people, etc. We cannot win with just the base, it simply won’t work.
Username checks out lol. Many things are possible even if they don’t feel like it at the moment. And all things end sooner or later…
To be clear I’m not saying their behavior is harmless or excusable. But we fundamentally have to reach at least some of them, I just don’t see a way to stop what’s happening otherwise. I don’t like it but that’s the reality of the situation.
Maybe one way to avoid it would be to come to some kind of detante where the federal government more or less ceases to be the main seat of power and the states become far more autonomous. I’d be open to this but it doesn’t seem very popular or likely given that fascists won’t want to weaken their grip on power over blue states.
I think this is certainly true of the Republican Party. But ignoring republican voters is political suicide. There are too many of them. They must be reckoned with, one way or another.
Great case study of how removing a dictator through autocratic power doesn’t make things better. Don’t call for a military coup, it doesn’t end well.
I just don’t think electric vehicles do enough given the scale of the crisis we’re experiencing, and I think placing economic pressure in car drivers is bound to reduce driving somewhat. Since this is one of or perhaps even the most damaging behavior in American society right now, that can only be a good thing. It will also increase demand for car alternatives which are desperately needed.
Is it the perfect policy or the one I would have pushed for? No, and it’s bound to be economically destructive as well, but it’s still pushing things in the right direction overall.
Let’s go Sacramento! 🌉🌳🍴
Love to see my neighbors giving the fascists the boot.
Yes, cars undeniably make the world a much worse place and I am in favor of sin taxes. It’s also a fairly easy tariff to avoid by keeping or repairing an older vehicle—or even better, don’t drive one at all for those who can avoid it.
Stick with this one you coward. This is his only policy I approve of so far.
Doesn’t this also include airports or did I get that wrong?
Maybe I’m too dumb to get it lol
Who gives a shit. Marx is dead. He doesn’t have any opinions on what’s happening today. Maybe we should stand up for our own opinions instead of wildly speculating that a dead man would agree with us?
Ironically from the messages Vance seemed opposed but he was too chickenshit to say so outright.
Because the economic conditions of the modern world allow for tyranny and the people haven’t figured out that we need to unite and overthrow the tyrants to build a better society.
Maybe pixelfed? Never used it but I think it’s more or less designed for this purpose, and it’s on the fediverse.
It is but it’s commonly read in the US. But maybe this applies to the English too. I have less direct experience there.
But I guess it is a bit more reasonable to remind foreign readers of Trump’s party affiliation since presumably the English spend at least a little less time thinking about US politics than we do.
Oh it’s extremely stupid but yeah I have a similar opinion here.