Morgan and Morgan is from Florida, they might be the largest firm in the world and take cases for improper firings. Usually they take their cases on the basis of you won’t pay anything unless you win. I’m sure they’d love that case
Morgan and Morgan is from Florida, they might be the largest firm in the world and take cases for improper firings. Usually they take their cases on the basis of you won’t pay anything unless you win. I’m sure they’d love that case
It’s a constant shame on the empire now
If it actually worked it’s a funny way to say, let’s tax corporations. It would never happen though because it makes line go down.
My first thought was it being an incorrect first line and my brain went “and I’m getting stoned.”
"She got a rock,
And I’m gettin’ stoned"
But then had that very programmed feeling of you shouldn’t say that because you aren’t getting stoned and you don’t want people to think of you as getting up and getting stoned on a Saturday morning. Talk about being programmed to fear what other people think.
Anyways Eric Church has a couple songs I liked
Whoever killed that Deathcare CEO had a positive impact, then billionaires spent a lot of time and money to try to turn the narrative. Note there were a lot of conservatives that werent against it until they watched a week and a half of propaganda to find out what they believed again. I think it showed a few people that the healthcare system is flawed, and clearly the justice system is. Was it 300 million, no. Was it 3 million, maybe. Even if 1% learned something from it, I’d say that’s huge for a population this late in the capitalism game
How do you think we got familiar with the registry, local and user app data folders. Malware was early introduction into IT for many users.
$1000 is a felony here. And less than that is up to a year in jail and $2500 fine.
No they aren’t going to physically stop you, they are going to call the police, and report your tags and report your face.
Yes jail and prison are different. People wind up on probation for stealing less than $50 worth of things. Unless everyone is stealing from the place all the time, it is always worth it on their end to report stupid shit like that. Keeps police around their parking lot, which cuts down on more crime. They aren’t going to report everything, but you’re not taking a 65" TV out the front door which is only about $400-500 dollars without getting a call
I heard two people yesterday at work saying they won’t arrest you if you have less than 1200 dollars worth of stuff. They’ll just follow you around until you get to that much. People are idiots that believe the dumbest things. Anyone who thinks they are going to walk out of Walmart with a cart with of $500 worth of shit and they aren’t going to call the police and get arrested if they aren’t gone before the police (who are normally in the parking lot already here) get there is an idiot.
The prison system makes money off those people going to jail. The largest private prison company is from here. “But the News said!”
Good luck out there, be kind and no matter what anyone else thinks I’m sure you’ll look good anywhere you go. Insert kindness is beauty quote here haha
Dumblederp put a site above that lists exercises for various areas. Deltoids was one he mentioned for the back and deadlifts actually fell into that category. I know fuck all about what is healthy or not for the gym, but that site does appear to have information on there that could help point you in the right direction and then do some fact checking to make sure.
I do this very often on Lemmy as well because I used to have trouble with the app I use (works great now) but when it first came out accidentally clicking the wrong button would sometimes crash it or knock me back to the page before or my home feed. Then I’d realize I lost 2 paragraphs of text I typed and I’d say well fuck if it’s long enough that you don’t want to find that exact comment again to respond to and type it over, it probably wasn’t worth typing anyways. (Which unfortunately decreases interactions for users on the site, which ultimately hurts how many active users we end up with.).
Now I’m just making excuses for myself being feisty with my keyboard.
I can’t seem to learn this. I’m so used to being able to edit messages post sending them that I just use the send button as a save command. Type something. Ctrl S, go back and edit.
It’s dumb, but I still do it.
Destroys long COVID investigations, creates anti-vaccines department. Who would have thunk
They hurt everyone else involved intentionally do to a sense of self richeousness. It’s a textbook definition of narcicism.
If someone calls the person they are going through a breakup with a self richeous dingbat who likes to tear down everyone around them in a private chat it’s not a nice thing to do. It also didn’t hurt that person until Derek brought it to their attention in an attempt to hurt the speaker while upsetting/hurting the person who was called names. Especially digging up things from years ago. These people aren’t running for office, they are kids dealing with life in a place of privacy. The number of people I’ve heard call soneone a little dicked asshole who isn’t good in bed is around 50. Never once would I think spreading that information to them or their friends group would be for the greater good. The person is hurt and lashing out. It’s often best to let them recover and sort out their own situation. If they were making plans to harm someone that’s another story, but that isn’t what happened here it appears.
Is the person who made the comments a narcissist, yes. Is the person who screen shorted it and shared it also a narcissist, absolutely.
While I get what you mean, they were arrested, detained, charged, and convicted by the state. They will be in a state prison. Unless Trump is going to send the military to raid the prison, I don’t see the state changing its mind.
That’s why people like Loraine Pellegrino are still on probation for forging the fake electors and trying to steal the 2020 election. MAGA doesnt mention the people that still have charges and convictions against them for their illegal acts. He only could pardon the charges brought by the federal government.
Yeah, he was “pro” rights for that community and posted about it on Twitter pre that happening. Then she came out and he flipped his shit started hating it all.
It happened on the weekend, and he drove onto the sidewalk. (Both in the article) Yes it was at a slow speed, but he intentionally drove his car into a crowd of people to try to force them to disperse. He clearly doesn’t believe in free speech or freedom of assembly and used a deadly weapon to force innocent people to do as he wanted.
Oh I’m sure they aren’t great people. They make most of their money off swindling insurance companies for huge settlement offers due to work/car injuries. That said, if you’re trying to get a huge settlement from Walmart, they are probably a good bet though. Also I know they turned down a case years ago when my dad went to them about his mother. She had surgery where there was no cartilage left in her ankle. They decided to screw her ankle to her foot essentially making it unable to move but reduce the pain. When she was in recovery they kept forcing her to get up and walk on it and she kept saying it hurt to much. Weeks into the rehab they said she wasn’t trying to put in the work. Then after a lot of arguing we finally got them to do new X-rays. Of course they found hairline fractures around the screws they placed. The insurance company/Medicaid and what not all said they wouldn’t cover any rehab time after the fractures were found because that time was used up during the period they were trying to force her to walk on a botched surgery. Morgan and Morgan turned down the case, and she reverse mortgaged her house to cover the rehab time. America at its finest