How can rats have human level intelligence, if we as humans have to essentially consume the whole bodyweight of a rat daily, just to sustain our very energy demanding brains.
How can rats have human level intelligence, if we as humans have to essentially consume the whole bodyweight of a rat daily, just to sustain our very energy demanding brains.
Books. I’m dyslexic as fuck but heavy readers are mostly chill people.
The best way to live in the US is to work at an European company and be send out long term to the US branch, you get European paychecks with the European taxing system and have European health insurance. You can receive your pay to a bank that allows global withdrawal with a miniscule currency transfer fee, for everything else you can use a Visa or MasterCard. Sure, this only works for a couple of months to a couple of years max, but you don’t have to deal with so much US bullshit and when shit is about to hit the fan, the company is going to pull you out anyway.
“I also think my sister is hotter than me.”