Nanos search and replace is Alt+R
as far as I remember
Nanos search and replace is Alt+R
as far as I remember
I’m not a scientist, I’m just in IT haha
I figured there was a way to measure that small of weight but I didn’t know!
So 1 inch of your wire would weigh ~0.0987 grams, so to measure down to 8.6350242338508 inches of wire your scale would need to weigh down to ~0.00000000000007 grams. Which is the weight of about a dozen atoms or so.
Good. They need to be humbled haha
Tbf, the file explorer is actually one really good argument for GUIs over terminals. Same with editing text. Its either simple enough to use Nano or I need a proper text editor. I don’t mess around with vim or anything like that that.
Its all tools. Some things are easier in a file manager, some things are easier in a GUI.
I’ve had issues with Boost. It just doesn’t seem to be loading my account subscriptions or anything.
Which is a shame cause Boost was my favorite reddit app
Or creating super mutant athletes. Like how fast do you think a modified human body could run? Or jump?
Tbh I don’t think anything would really get done. Politicians would just recycle the same super popular ideas to prevent themselves from getting lynched.
It’d be like how video games companies are just churning out safe titles they know will sell really well, but with our government instead of video games.
Reddit wasn’t launched till 2005 ;)
Okay yeah. That could be a fair compromise. I like that.
Honestly I would be okay with giving them 6-12 months of leeway. There’s a ton of reasons why it could take 6 months or more to be able to find a tenant, especially if the previous tenant did significant damages or if there’s wider economic issues in the area.
I mean there’s no sources cause (as far as I can tell) Microsoft isnt planning on nuking their market share.
But with 365, you get the cloud subscription. So that means OneDrive and Office files/emails being accessible in the cloud. Which, to be fair, is largely a really useful thing and besides OneDrive being a piece of shit program I don’t hear any complaints about that being available.
Then when you install Windows it grabs a bunch of hardware IDs. This is things like what memory, CPU, graphics, drives, etc that you have installed and creates a “hardware key” that allows you to activate windows. When it does this, it sends that information off to Microsoft. According to Microsoft, it’s to stop you from using a license key multiple times. But in my experience it doesn’t really matter anymore.
But theoretically (and I really can’t stress how far fetched this really is) Microsoft could mark your account as inactive which would cause you to lose access to all of your cloud files, and could theoretically (again, i can’t stress how unlikely this is) brick your OS install. Then if you try to reinstall, it would already know your computer and prevent the installer from continuing.
And again, I know I’ve beaten this horse, but the chances of this happening are so close to zero, they may as well be.
Not after it spread to their yard
a few days after a bomb explodes, most of the radiation would have depleted.
I know this is a settled fact, and supported by the fact that Japan had rebuilt both cities in under 6 years. But I wanted hard facts on this. Which, as it turns out, is really hard to find. I see a lot of reports basically echo what you said but nobody seems to have actually really measured this.
The best sources I found was this document from the which claims that soil radiation fell from 4.31 micro Curries per cm3 in hour 3, to just 0.23 half a day later, and 3.1x10(-5) 45 days later.
This site from the Japanese government claims that 24hrs after detonation the radiation at ground zero was 1/1000th of what it was immediately after.
They also pay off in a lot of ways besides the pure “dollar in/dollar out” kind of way that I think people forget about a lot. Things like soft power, economic growth, and cultural alliance are all incredibly powerful things.
Its a shame the current administration is trying to gut the last 80 years of work the US has put into those things.
I thought this was funny lol
Most car badges aren’t actually plated anyways, they could save themselves a whole lot of trouble and just get some chrome spray paint and make it shiny still
If the United States goes down it’ll also trigger a global economic disaster as well.
Honestly you still kinda can, just instead of going into the store, go to Rtings and just find the TV that is the size you want, has the features you want, and is currently the highest rated on the site.
They have incredible reviews that go into very minuscule detail which, if you aren’t a TV person, will mostly mean nothing to you. But look at the scores at the top of the review, and read the little blurb to make sure there aren’t any deal breakers for you. And then just order it from whichever big box store in your town has the best deal.
For me (sysadmin actually) it’s because what I’m doing is either simple enough that I can use Nano (editing simple config files) or complicated enough that I’ll want a full fledged IDE. I use VSCode and it handles remote files really really well.
Although I have learned a little bit of Vi/Vim because sometimes thats all you have.
Plus if you’re doing major changes (like more than editing a line or two) you shouldn’t be doing that on a production server anyways. Like if I found out an engineer or dev was primarily working directly off of the server they would probably be on their way out the door. Uptime is worth way too much for that nonsense.