Okay hear me out…
Okay hear me out…
No no no, we’ll be able to buy bread with a full wheelbarrow of cash!
Democratic Governors need to start flexing some power ASAP.
Even then the DM is gonna hit us with a bullshit counterspell
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck that. You better drop my ass into a coma or straight up kill me before I have to go through a rabies death.
I believe ADX Florence counts as “itty bitty living space”, I vote we skip to that part. Stuff Elon in with him as a substitute for Iago and we’re golden.
Wouldn’t the only form available be the screenshots?
Correct, if you can’t see it on the screen it might as well not exist as far as a digital forensic examination goes. At least when it comes to the message content.
Ding ding ding. And if theyre worried about losing an r+8 seat, that’s a good thing. She won that seat by 20+ points.
As others have pointed out, you didn’t even read your own source.
So to everyone else who stumbles upon these ramblings, they are absolutely full of shit and are here to spread misinformation because all the frogs are gay now and they have no one to bang.
Since you seem so concerned about this, how did you come to the conclusion that fluoride treatments are “poisoning” people?
You sound like Alex Jones, and if you’re a reasonable person that should give you real pause about the shit you’re saying.
We’re more than capable of preventing a single individual from causing harm to others without having to kill them. Failing to do so here isn’t justification for introducing the idea to kill them instead.
If we actually had a well run justice system, I don’t think executions would even seem remotely necessary.
They can fuck with the mail. They can have people outside polls intimidating people from even showing up. A state legislature controlled by the GOP will do whatever Trump tells them to.
States run elections, but there are a bunch of ways that conservatives already use to fuck with elections. They aren’t going to get any better now.
She’s never had any intelligence, how the hell is she supposed to Direct it?
Here ya go, I’m assuming this is what they’re talking about:
Just put some wings on The Homer and ship that bitch.
he would lose a lot of support over it
I honestly don’t think he would. Conservatives have proven themselves to be absolutely craven maniacs time and time again. He’s NEVER lost their support.
the FBI has been very interested in domestic political violence and terror
Not super interested in the right wingers most of the time though
This is already a fucking thing. Female soldiers in combat roles meet the same standards as their male counterparts. Most of these women would whoop your ass.