When he said revenge tour, he meant everyone who didn’t make him president in 2020 —including the minority that voted for him.
When he said revenge tour, he meant everyone who didn’t make him president in 2020 —including the minority that voted for him.
My desk wireless charger is magnetic, and my keyboard is wireless and can be switched between devices. So I can switch to my phone and bang out a message on my keyboard while my phone is held up comfortably.
Rear-ended in 2003. Physical therapy that lasted the legal minimum they had to provide. Off and on issues for years, always minimal treatment due to insurance. It got way worse last year.
Found out 3 days ago that I have to have neurosurgery to cut away parts of my vertebrae that are impinging onto my nerves. (The bones are over-growing due to that past injury that wasn’t properly treated.)
Michiganders: “And that’s why you can’t trust Ohio”
Yeah. Expected nothing less from the pro-life party.
I mean, Trump literally wants to do a crypto pump and dump by selling the U.S. gold reserves to fund the crypto exchange.
From the perspective of someone who wants the U.S. to succeed, you could not do something dumber.
From the perspective of someone who wants to extract every scrap of value from the country and then cut it loose while fleeing somewhere else to try to spend the trillions of whatever currency they think they’ll wind up with, it makes perfect sense.
I just had a messed up thought. Maybe the talk of Trump having a ‘revenge tour’ isn’t revenge on individual people, but revenge on the entire country for not electing him in 2020.
And when you can limit access to voting, gerrymander, and run illegal lotteries to skew the vote, well… then the voters don’t matter either.
They dropped the guy’s girlfriend’s apartment building on him to kill him.
Hope it was a townhouse and not a tower.
The fucking disregard for human life.
That’s sort of the funny thing. They were disapproving of him, not because they understood he was making a caricature of them, but that he was saying the quiet part out loud.
Sigh. Todays word of the day is kakistocracy.
Anecdotal, but I’ve been tracking a package for over a week as it made its way across the globe. This evening the USPS site is throwing an error.
Morning edit: back to functioning. But you really never know with the clowns in charge.
For now, as of this moment, that’s not likely the case for the vast majority of folks in the U.S. There are no guarantees that will be true in the future, or even 8 minutes from now. (Which, I note, is also in the future, but it establishes the scale of my expectations for the collapse of pro-social mores in the U.S.) No word on folks who have broken healthcare systems in other parts of the world, however.
The rules are that they can’t take off or land unless everyone is properly seated.
The pooper was forcing the entire plane to remain in the air.
Many years ago I was on a plane that hadn’t taken off yet, and someone was in the bathroom. They couldn’t taxi until the person returned to their seat, and after several announcements, flight attendants wind up having to knock on the door so the person (who I assume at that point was hiding due to embarrassment) would return to their seat. We missed our takeoff window with ground control and had to wait an additional half hour to find another window. All of my flights connecting flights were delayed until it could land, but a severe storm blew through, grounding most of them for about an hour more.
In the world of flying, these sorts of small delays have unintended consequences with system-wide effects.
But the pilot featured here was beyond the pale. That was a grotesque and inappropriate response.
This is that “when they came for ____” moment when the people of the U.S. need to do something.
I hope they do. On purpose.
My wife received a sticker of the Gadsden snake with the words “Gargle my balls” under it as a gift from one of her cooler family members yesterday.
Not a fan of the Gadsden imagery in general, but this one gets a pass.
It’s kind of weird that you can get 30 years for lying to a credit union once, but only 2 for stealing someone’s identity for 30 years.
If the victim is a federally insured financial institution you get a huge jail sentence.
But if the victim is a person with no safety net, it’s a comparative slap on the wrist.
Skewed priorities.
The first time I ever experienced this was in a printshop with a bunch of older guys who were definitely not computer illiterate, but all gathered around the monitor for the server that ran our RIP/platemaker to watch commands appear in the terminal when I remoted in from my computer to do something or other. (They would go into the room and work directly on the machine, but it was loud in there and smelled funny, so I remoted in.)
They made jokes about me being a hacker, and although being distinctly boomer-ish, it was high praise coming from some of the smartest people I’ve ever worked with.
(I’ve worked with more accomplished people, and more highly educated people, but not with folks who had built a successful business that dealt with a variety of complex tech from the ground up with their own knowledge and effort. It was a bit charming to have them wowed by such a simple thing.)