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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Thanks for your insight as an actual Canadian lol. We really are (and have been) trying to get this under control for years at this point. We appreciate you understanding that and seeing that at least it’s not all of us.

    One of my Canadian friends parents have trump signs in their yard and they are Canadian and have never been American or even to America. It’s really crazy that this is happening so many places. At least we can hope that people see where it’s left us and start actually changing their minds for the better for their own country. What happened with Le Pen recently might have happened regardless, but after seeing what not punishing officials leads to, I hope other countries learn from our mistakes.

    Good luck up there. I’m sorry this is where we are, but hopefully not for long.

  • The whole point of ethics is that violating it makes it inherently unworthy. There were other safe and known methods for these children and my understanding is there is no guarantee that what he did would be effective.

    He did it to make a name for himself. He’s not some rogue doctor illegally manufacturing and distributing insulin to diabetics who can’t afford it, he’s a self important narcissist who thought he could do what he wanted and that he was above the law.

  • Like so many things, it really depends on what you’re doing. I’ve worked a lot of different jobs, and some absolutely require a numpad and some I’ve never touched it. What people really need is programmable keyboards. If you need a numpad you don’t have to even move your hands if you program it right. Same with function keys. It’s better for you long term. So I’d actually suggest a smaller but programmable keyboard for everyone, even if they don’t use the numpad, plenty of great features on these keyboards.

  • I don’t follow influencers, but I’m not really sure what the problem is here. You’re upset that someone has a job? That’s like saying: Plumbers engaging with plumbing / plumbers engaging with people who can pay them. Like yea, it’s their job to advertise to you. That’s why they do things. Plumbers don’t do it for the love of the game, and neither do influencers. Everyone needs to eat. If you like their content then you should be ok with ads, unless you’re paying them directly.

  • The belief is that one should vote for a person or party because they align with your morals. They voted against their conscience because a whole host of people told them that not to would be to condemn even more. And so they voted to prolong a genocide and now they stand without conviction or protection for their allies they gave up those convictions for. Maybe to you voting is a box you check, but for a lot of people it is a statement of their morals and beliefs. That gun to their head they would not sell out their international comrades for luxuries at home. They sold out their neighbors to protect their family and someone is still coming for their family anyway. Say what you want about “harm reduction” but voting for genocide is voting for genocide. They did so and gained nothing except an inability to say they stood for something. Harris paraded around Liz and promised to be tough on immigration. Who was that for? It certainly was not to reassure leftists that she super secretly didn’t want to help murder people abroad.

    Clearly we have very different understandings of the world. I’ve never seen a self proclaimed “proud democrat” at any actual level of organizing. Maybe the women’s march admittedly had a lot of democrats show up, but actual organizers that I engage with are self proclaimed leftist who “vote” democrat but do not identify as one. If a nonbinary person checks their assigned gender at birth on a form with just M/F, that doesn’t mean they align or self identify with that. It’s just the options they were presented with. M4A, the fight for a living wage, and LGBT rights have all been championed by leftists before liberals could get together enough to stop using racial slurs. I’ve been hearing “lib” from the left since obama was in office, but I checked and urban dictionary has an entry from 2005 attacking them from the left, claiming libs are defined as fake progressives who actually don’t care about leftist causes. That’s popular usage for at least two decades. Maybe there’s an age or geography difference that is the cause of this disconnect, but around me most refugee assistance is organized by anarchists and most food aid is organized by socialists. It’s not cliquelike, as there’s plenty of crossover, but what I don’t see is a large contingent of run of the mill democrats actually helping anyone. If you are so concerned about how leftists vote, go work with them wearing your I’m With Her merch. Let them see some libs actually doing something.

  • My point is that I know leftists who think the system is broken and corrupt and would have abstained or voted 3rd party as they have previously, and specifically did not in this election or in trumps previous elections. Literally nothing changed except they budged on their beliefs and got nothing in return. This idea that they should vote for dems because the alternative is fascism is terrible. The dems are bad and don’t care. It is pretty foolish to support them as a party. If you consider yourself a democrat, you probably are not a leftist. I’m registered democrat, I vote democrat, so do many of my friends, but that does not make us democrats or supporters of their party. So, yea, it’s possible that you’ve held or supported people who’ve held foolish or bigoted beliefs and if you’re proud of your support for them then I’m not sure you get to claim you’re not foolish or bigoted.

    Dem senators in the 90s voted against gay marriage. Nancy pelosi and plenty of other dems do insider trading and refuse to allow legislation that would curb that to pass. Are those the dems you support? Who’s to know. These people are not your friends and don’t care about you. They may vote in ways that benefit you, or they may not. I’m not a democrat and I don’t support them because they don’t support me or my comrades. If you feel like they support you than you are indeed either a fool, or not left enough to really even want to be called a leftist. That’s fine if so, you can be a lib if that’s what you are, but leftists generally don’t “support” dems.

  • Not really sure what the sentiment is? That you should shame a small minority of people who you generally agree with whose decision did nothing to actually sway an election? You think that the Harris campaign was good and did what it should have to engage its base and draw in support? Do you believe that the non voting leftists were actually a large enough percentage to have an impact?

    I scrolled a bit through your history and it took quite a bit to load far back (which is great, glad you’re engaging cuz Lemmy needs more comments/community) but I’ll take your word that you agree with them and said so previously. At least I can agree that harping on it does little actual good.