Using noble weapons while claiming the weapons are wrong, is hypocrisy and dishonor.
Well that’s what anarchism tries to do
What if we have zero states?
So you think Aesop’s Fables are bad?
A supporter of the Soviet Union and its habit of using tanks to suppress uprisings.
And you think the BBS accurately represents the teachings of the Buddha, and the whole of Buddhism? I asked about the Buddha’s master plan, you’re trying to answer my question with this BBS article?
You can sit on that bench as long as you want. Whenever you’re ready, you just walk through.
Remove the heretics from Christianity, and you will have not a religion of billions of oppressors, but a cult of a few dozen communist hippies.
And what do you think the Buddha’s big master plan was, what with telling people to seek enlightenment?
The gods of the Disc have never bothered much about judging the souls of the dead, and so people only go to hell if that’s where they believe, in their deepest heart, that they deserve to go. Which they won’t do if they don’t know about it. This explains why it is important to shoot missionaries on sight.
Me listening to tankies describe communism as a moneyless, stateless, classless world, then criticise anarchism
Another one of Elon’s children hates him
Here in my garage
People resort to name calling when they don’t want to debate factually.
If someone gish gallops you, don’t waste your time countering every point. Tell them to fuck off.
Science is the language of the gods, and by speaking it, we become enlightened.
Thanks. I’ve reported you for using the R slur. Have a nice day.
Yeah. Although it’s worth remembering it was an insult with a very different meaning in ancient Greece. Elon Musk is an attention seeker, but Narcissus wasn’t. Narcissus caused all that drama by not wanting to date anyone. Ameinias fell in love with Narcissus and asked for his hand in marriage. Narcissus said no, and told Ameinias to fuck off and die. So Ameinias prayed to the gods “let him love what he cannot have”, and that’s how the reflection thing happened. Narcissus was the opposite of an attention seeker, he just wanted to be left alone.
If you think seeing a fictional idiot engage in a farcical caricature of bigotry is offensive, I’ve got a movie you should steer clear of. It’s called Jojo Rabbit. It’s got a lot of really silly Nazis saying horrible things about Jews, and they all get blown up at the end by the Allies. You’d hate it.