Nothing better than a little nepotism. These MAGAts are such a loathsome bunch.
Nothing better than a little nepotism. These MAGAts are such a loathsome bunch.
Elon is a thief and a Nazi scum.
If you don’t buy a Tesla you will go straight to jail.
Keep up the good work. Every dollar sent here is a dollar that will work against you.
It is almost like our glorious leader is an idiot.
Who could have seen this coming!
Throw this criminal in jail!
The Republican Party is the Nazi party in America.
Protect the Weakest among us do not be like MAGAts.
Welcome to Nazi land America.
We know he is not joking.
This has always been the plan. Orange Turd dictator for life.
A true dream come true! Just what everyone has been begging to happen.
Thank goodness “big balls” will save the markets for sure.
He will show up to throw paper towels at people that survived.
From cradle to slave workforce. What a beautiful future the republicans will create for us.
They need to just start locking any women up who becomes pregnant just as a precaution.
Can’t a Nazi bribe in peace people! The jews/Soros are standing in his way.