I think you’ve got the heart of it, right there.
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I think you’ve got the heart of it, right there.
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You might as well try explaining theoretical-physics to a frog: there is ZERO point in trying to get Trump to understand this position.
( and I am indebted to you for identifying that some geopolitics-players can’t understand some dimensions, & that needs to be flagged, in every case )
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I bet the Muppets coulda done an awesome Sax Pistols…
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That’s a tuba: properly wielded/played, it can do that…
: p
Entanglement takes care of everything…
: p
if Musk’s got a high intellect-quotient, that’s fine…
What does it measure?
A very-specific subset of intelligences, crafted to leave-out female relational-intelligences, musical-intelligence, health-intelligence, among other ones…
identifies 9 intelligences, & I defy most Mensa-types to consistently score high on those other ones…
It is the IQ lobby which won’t tolerate the other-intelligences to be counted equally-valid, right?
With reason: they aren’t good at those intelligences.
( hint: musical-intelligence includes multiple sub-intelligences, including, but not limited-to…
A person can have a “musical intelligence” of whatever, & be brilliant in rhythm, but lousy in harmony, xor vice versa.
Too-coarse-granularity’s consistently a problem with these damn measures : )
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That is the correct definition of actual-sadism.
“the cruelty is the point”.
I promise you, he will execute the 3 former Democrat presidents, before he goes total-war against Canada.
Biden, Obama, & Clinton, he will have executed.
This is just a minor escalation in the way of his Purge, this ISN’T anywhere-near what it is going to be, in less than 3y.
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I’ve read that Hitler intentionally gave government-departments overlapping authority, so that they’d be in turf-wars, so whichever one “lost” could then be shut-down…
It wasn’t incompetence, it was intentional: a means for force-dismantling government’s function.
IF the point of having the incapable running the different departments … is so that total-dictatorship later becomes “justified”, then it is a strategem, not a mistake.
& differentiating between unconscious-strategems vs conscious ones …
… as an example of unconscious-tactics, I’m now certain that Hamas’s strategem of using the lives of Palestine as bait, to get Israel to demonstrate its nihilism & sadism & narcissism & machiavellianism ( etc ) on, …
… so that in future, the entire-region wouldn’t care what “deterrent” Israel had, … that such a huge percentage of the region’s population would be committed to annihilating Israel at ANY cost, … that Israel’s annihilation becomes inevitable…
… was completely unconscious.
But it is effective.
I don’t bet ANYthing on Israel existing, as a country, by 2029, now.
Trying to sort-out the … bucket-of-vomit, which is what geopolitics now is … with all its unconscious-strategems & insane tactics & sickening “values” …
I’m betting that Trump will use the consequences-of-his-people’s-incompetence to “justify” greater, & more-complete, highjacking of the US of A.
I absolutely do not believe it’ll result in the Dems regaining the US:
that opportunity was thrown-away with the election that Biden wouldn’t get out of, until it was too late to save.
differentiating the convenient-to-the-left-belief isn’t journalism, it is just more of the filter-bubble that cost the Dems the 2024 election.
seeing such things not with the superiority/contempt of the left, but rather with the … how is this going to be dealt with and adapted-to by the ruling-regime, how are they going to use this to further their highjacking? would be much closer to journalism.
humans are mixtures of unconsciousness & consciousness, & much of our “tactics” and “strategy” is actually just unconscious-instinct & feelings-motivated stuff, so it doesn’t matter whether it is unconscious or conscious, it doesn’t matter whether it is contempted by so-and-so, or whether some caste/class of people are condescending about it, in Natural Selection, it only matters if it works. Pay attention to if it’s viable-enough to continue taking our world down, not to what the upper-middle-class-left are saying while denigrating it.
( feel free to contempt everything I said here, but I’m sooo damn tired of filter-bubble making-believing substituting for the survival-stuff that humankind needs … & every mistake made by anybody can be changed in significance by circumstance,
so the whole “they’re failing, & we’re going to be their ‘daddy’ when they do” narrative that much of the upper-middle-class left that I’ve seen is identifying in… is just more ignoring/denying, with a price-tag counted in lives later this decade.
Pragmatism would be a good thing, now, & “it’s only a won-game when it’s completely finished” would also be good to live by. )
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