So this was just bullshit? I thought this was the party line.
So this was just bullshit? I thought this was the party line.
LOL. “Let’s get out of here before one of those things gets Guy.” Cracks me up every time.
Is it? Could be a pebble. We don’t have a scale after all.
This is typical fascism. Was Hitler a member of the Aryan race? Blue eyed, blond hair? Nope. Dude wasn’t even German. Were any of his cadre? Nope.
Kim Jong Un reportedly doesn’t need to use the bathroom because he is so perfect.
Trump is cracking down on illegal immigrants. Married an illegal immigrant. He’s against chain migration. Melania chain migrated her family. Calls Biden sleepy Joe, then falls asleep during his trial. Says voting by mail is rampant with fraud. Votes by mail. None of this makes any sense!
I agree but to me some brands cross a line making then especially horrible. I don’t generally boycott products because I would never be able to buy anything if I tried to stick with GOOD companies. But some are so bad I do avoid them.
Tesla Walmart Monsanto ( they were bought by Bayer) Just to name a few of the top of my head. Obviously there is no shortage of truly terrible companies.
I don’t understand. Why isn’t she happy about this?
Yes but isn’t Italy part of the EU? Once he’s in, it is easier to move to a different more liberal country member of the Union.
Gotta make sure those poor white males aren’t suffering. They have everything going against them after all.
I love the way Kennedy suggests taking some ridiculous old wive’s tale of a cure for measles “with doctors supervision.” So you should listen to doctors when they advise you how to take a home remedy but absolutely don’t listen to them when they suggest a medical remedy.
I’m not sure it would have mattered.
I hope he moves to Peru and Peru deports him.
Yet something tells me he will live his entire life in affluence somehow.
Yup, because I re-map WASD to my arrows and the right shift is near there.
Yeah, I think this is right. I don’t even have the signal app on my phone but carrots got me in to a meeting of the board of Coca Cola. It’s definitely carrots.
Uh oh, they’re expressing outrage now. I’m sure someone will suffer.
Well, yeah, this is essentially why I’m not running.
RUN! I don’t know why people get so attached to a piece of land, especially when it can cost you your life. They are artificial lines created on the globe. The real question, is where to run.
No switch blades, no brass knuckles, oh well, guess they’ll just have to shoot each other.
Federal funding to the States would end leaving the States to foot the bill. Since most schools are funded from property taxes, those taxes would have to rise to meet the additional burden not covered by the federal government. This would disproportionately affect red states since the top fifteen states reliant on government funding for education are all red states.
Much of what schools do is already handled by states.
Such a good movie. Think I’ll watch it again when I get home.