Cripple. History Major. Irritable and in constant pain. Vaguely Left-Wing.

  • 74 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023


  • But the extent to which the fediverse seems to like to do this stuff just seems really extreme to me, and a lot of times what it’s based on is just weird petty bullying nonsense.

    Not saying that it isn’t a problem, but as someone who’s been Around™ online, this is pretty par-for-the-course stuff.

    Ah, to remember the glory days of Livejournal and Tumblr… and don’t get me started back in the days when every fandom had a dozen sites which all hated each other for vague and extremely personal reasons.

  • As someone with limited exposure to leftists outside the Fediverse I can’t confirm or deny that statement, so I guess I’ll just take it with a grain of salt, but it seems to me that there’s room for nuance between unquestioning participation in the system and unquestioning denial of the system.

    As noted in the last-moment edit I slipped in, hoping to get it done before anyone read the comment, the non-insane (and much more widespread) version is harm reduction.

    Here on the Fediverse, MLs and fellow-travelers of that sort are much more widespread than IRL, and they tend towards more… uncompromising positions. At least when their least-favorite bourgeois democracies are concerned.

  • PugJesus@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldPiece Process
    4 days ago

    It’s astounding how quickly fascist cunts show their true colors in simping for imperialist invasions, once the ‘right people’ are being invaded.

    May Europe back Ukrainian sovereignty to the hilt. God knows the fascist government in the US can no longer be relied upon for even token support.

  • As someone who’s been predicting Harris would lose since August, both are true.

    … not unless you think that the election of Harris would have resulted in the same scenario we’re facing now?

    Also rather than “in this society” it’s “everywhere”. The way I like to put it is that electoral politics is only the victory lap; you go out and do activism work, build a base of support, spread your ideas, create a movement, negotiate with or (metaphorically or literally) come to blows with the establishment and finally ask people to vote for you or your ideas in the election. So with that in mind, nobody anywhere is saved by electoral politics alone because whether you win or lose in the election hinges on doing the actual hard work before and during campaign season.

    That’s generally not what people mean when they say ‘electoral politics’ though. When they say ‘electoral politics’, they are generally talking about the entirety of electoral politics, not just election day. “You will never destroy the master’s house with the master’s tools” is how they usually put it. They are not advocating for a more robust participation in bourgeois democracy, they are advocating for revolutionary action and, quite explicitly, the total rejection and nonparticipation in civic affairs under current government structures.

    The non-insane version is ‘harm reduction’, wherein participation in bourgeois democracy is permissible so long as you don’t confuse it for an end goal or a primary means.

  • PugJesus@lemmy.worldtoNews@lemmy.worldThe US right is coming for disabled people
    4 days ago

    “Nobody is saved by electoral politics” for example is, well… that’s exactly what happened.

    “Nobody is saved by electoral politics” pretty clearly implies “Nobody can be saved by electoral politics, by the nature of electoral politics in this society”, not “Nobody will be saved by electoral politics in this election, because I believe firmly in the inevitable victory of the immeasurably worse candidate to win by 2% of the vote”


    We were going to end up in the same place whether democrats or republicans won. It’s just more pleasing to you draped in blue instead of red. I thought maybe TDS democrats would finally start fighting for Palestine once Trump came into office, but they instead turned their derangement on the people who don’t want American to fund and safeguard a genocide. Crazy times we are witnessing.

    This, but unironically. No point in electing a different fascist. We have to cut the tumor out of the body.

    My honest feeling, and this is just speculation, but it seemed like it was easier to organize large protest movements under trump than under Biden. Once Biden got into office all the liberals stopped supporting protest and started defending the status quo.

    I doubt it will be as easy in a fascist police state.

    America is a fascist police state right now

    Police reaction to protests was about the same under both trump and Biden

    The point is nobody is saved by electoral politics instead do actual organizing and actions.

    To leftists that have been paying attention to the DNC’s politics and how they serve the American empire, a DNC win is the “bad guys” winning. Just the same way a GOP win would be.

    If you vote for the lesser of two evils, you deserve to get the greater evil.

    Voting for Trump or Harris is the same result. Some rich ass who doesnt give a rats ass about me or my community and just wants to funnel money to their rich friends. Its like two-faces double headed coin. Neither gives a shit. Fuck both parties and their candidates.

    My blood pressure is rising looking back through them, and having its first outages in two weeks isn’t helping me search, so I’ll leave it here.