You grossly underestimate just how shitty people can be. Which is wild given what’s going on in gestures wildly.
You grossly underestimate just how shitty people can be. Which is wild given what’s going on in gestures wildly.
I mean there is a difference between “earned their money rather than being born into it” and “has all the correct politics”.
I have witnessed not one single rich person earn fucking shit!
I mean there are a handful that created some kind of creative work that became wildly popular and their wealth is ultimately derived primarily from that creation that you could argue earned it. Like Notch or JK Rowling.
Trump behaves more or less as you’d expect if you model him as a sock puppet with Elon Musk and Putin taking turns as the hand up his ass.
A thing assigned to you that’s in your hand or your head that’s needed to engage in commerce? That’s…umm…I can see where they could get that idea, especially with the rise of online sales.
I mean if we go that route, then the following letters are also hate symbols. m,n,o,S,X and Z if paired with the number 13. Given the number of hate numbers listed by the ADL I’m surprised that the list isn’t longer but most of them are either too low or too high to align to an ASCII value for a letter.
That is the goal, I think.
That’s Maine, Maine is a blue state and it costs him and his little electoral capital to attack a Dem politician in a blue state.
WV is red, extremely red. Trying to fuck with WV like that is attacking a strongly red state, and risks making the other red states realize that maybe, just maybe the leopard might eat their faces too. We’re not far enough down the “and then they came for…” list for that to be a safe move, yet.
He could do that, but it would become very public very quickly and that’s more a problem for your side politically when you do it to a state where your side is in power in general.
He can threaten Maine and Maines governor like that because they’re a blue state and turning on them doesn’t make his base realize he could do the same to them in the same way because they’re the other team. Doing the same to WV would read as a betrayal to his own followers precisely because they’re solid red and we’re not far enough down the “and then they came for…” list for that to be a safe move politically yet.
Our governor might be a GOP dipshit, but he’s…less on the Trump train than some others. I think he got shocked out of it a bit when the whole “stop all payments” thing first started less than 48 hours before the Medicaid disbursement was supposed to hit and he was needing to have emergency “how do we keep Medicaid going” meetings before the injunction against it. He can’t be totally off the Trump train if he wants reelected because this is a hard red safe state in the way it used to be a hard blue safe state before fucking Gore of all people fucked it up.
I don’t think he’d pardon someone just because Trump asked, barring Trump making a significant threat to force the issue.
I always find the people here with Confederate flags claiming it’s about heritage to be the most ridiculous. The state was founded during the Civil War and is the part of Virginia that stayed with the Union, how in the everloving fuck is a Confederate flag part of our heritage?
You should have paid attention to the timeline. In the Star Trek timeline we should expect world war 3 to start next year and go for thirty years. The first warp flight and first contact is after that, and it’s only after that that the “better for us” even starts happening.
who somehow thinks HIS genes need to be propagated with gold diggers.
Who else is he going to propagate his genes with? At least they get paid for their service?
Based on their relationship post-Luigi, I’m pretty sure you pronounce X Æ A-12 as “Kevlar”.
Now daddy is going to stand in front of an open window, so it’s time for a piggyback ride little Kevlar!
You’re right, it’s currently still hung up in procedure. Even then, he could have ordered his DEA to deschedule it, and instead had them do what they’ve done. He also waited long enough that when it happens, Trump will get the credit despite having had nothing to do with the process.
… because they didn’t.
…and when they do, it becomes because they don’t have a large enough majority. If they had a filibuster -peoof majority, it would be because they don’t have a veto-proof majority even if they also held the executive.
To put it another way, Biden had the power to fully legalize marijuana at any time because drug scheduled can be changed by process from either the legislative or executive branches. Instead he had it rescheduled. Because Dems only operate in half measures federally, because they are controlled opposition.
After having given a speech to it’s creators about it, calling it a “plan for our movement”, yes. There is video available.
Specifically to have that conversation - there is no connection whatsoever between “earned their money” and “has views I agree with” or even “has non-harmful views.” At least Notch doesn’t do worse than occasionally tweet what he thinks.