Evidence is out there in the papers and the internet for everyone to see, next they deny the report and the texts are real despite previously acknowledging them and claiming that nothing of importance was discussed.
Evidence is out there in the papers and the internet for everyone to see, next they deny the report and the texts are real despite previously acknowledging them and claiming that nothing of importance was discussed.
Hey turtle boy, remember when you refused to hold a hearing for Obama’s SCOTUS pick with nearly a year left of his term but rushed in one in the last couple months of Trump’s? You know, setting the stage for a completely skewed court that allowed king turd to take control of everything unchecked since everything is legal so long as it was official?
Question here, anyone know if Tesla is produced entirely domestic? The Detroit brands all at least have parts and for some models entire production facilities in Canada/Mexico.
Not that he would use government power to so explicitly help his playmate there, just curious…
He never had any intent to actually help Ukraine, he’s way too fond of Putin to do that.
I don’t have a solid answer to that, but the recent PhD a candidate that got swiped as I gather was in the middle of a crowded space. If a hand ful of people showed up, and other emboldened by those first few joined in, pretty soon those handful of thugs would be surrounded and you can bet that there wouldn’t be a missing person out there. They have guns and handcuffs, but the people number in the millions and can overwhelm by sheer force of numbers.
I still recall the image of the police HQ in Minneapolis taken over during the Floyd protests. People went directly into the lion’s den and claimed their place. It can happen again, somewhere out there a spark is just waiting to be lit.
Fight back, if someone nearby is getting vanned by ‘police’ step in the way and demand THEIR papers and charges, grab videos, photos, plate numbers and anything else of note and hell if you can follow them to wherever they go so people don’t just vanish.
It’d be a tragedy if such an abundance of stressful situations had a significant detrimental effect on such a healthy and vigorous young man.
But the man in the telly box dun told me it was gunna make my kids dumb…
How many lists get sent with a list of BS names?
Yeah, my view is he looks to throw out as much insane bullshit as he can and see what he can make stick.
From his perspective it costs virtually nothing beyond a pen and paper, and it either wastes a bunch of resources and time for opposition, or he gets what he wants if it goes unopposed, basically win/win for $0.
How to stop him is another matter, but ones like this ‘should’ be easy wins.
Half the things these folks try and do they don’t actually have the ability to. For a lot of it it’s distraction to keep people spending time and money in court while they pillage and plunder.
They only want less government in regulation of businesses to make easier and more profitable to plunder society.
Otherwise they’re all over the idea of telling people what to do or think or who to worship, etc.
By its terms, Article I, Section 4, Clause 1, referred to as the Elections Clause, contemplates that state legislatures will establish the times, places, and manner of holding elections for the House of Representatives and the Senate, subject to Congress making or altering such state regulations (except as to the place of choosing Senators).1 The Supreme Court has interpreted the Elections Clause expansively, enabling states "to provide a complete code for congressional elections, not only as to times and places, but in relation to notices, registration, supervision of voting, protection of voters, prevention of fraud and corrupt practices, counting of votes, duties of inspectors and canvassers, and making and publication of election returns."2
IANAL: This sounds like more grandstanding to appease his cult sure to be challenged.
At which point there are no federal laws and the country dissolves into feudal fiefdoms.
As directed by the guy who can’t speak coherent English much less provide wartime comms.
If the same letters can be reused I might try a junkyard. If not, maybe 3D printing and chrome paint?
I’m sure there’s something at the state level, found a local ref here. Seems to be one of those laws where it’s illegal if they already wanted a reason to mess with the driver.
Around here they refer to it as ‘unreasonable acceleration’.
There’s bo courting of bigots, and no want to engage with them. Every notable push for progressive policies has come from the dem side, shocking ad that may be for those watching from the fringes. The nearest we’ve been able to manage so far is the ACA which started out with more substance but you can’t exactly upend the whole system in one go.
This last time around even if a day one rewrite was ready to go people where so hell bent on ‘punishing dems’ for Isreal’s actions that they where willing to let the current show take over and make things far worse.
Old dumbass was probably given that back before there was a vaccine and thinks he came out just fine (give or take a few worms in the head) so why shouldn’t it be good for everyone.