Whatup fellow kids, you gettin’ indoctrinated by the man on the world wide web? Radical!

Trivia: My usernames are based on old emulators. Sixtyforce in this case, first seen on Mac OS in the year 2000.


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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: November 8th, 2024

  • One thing the diet industry hates:

    Fasting. Hard to make money off not eating food.

    It’s also highly effective and safe so long as you educate yourself properly before beginning.

    I did 14 day fasts with an electrolyte slurry, psyllium husk, and multi vitamins. Take a month off, eat well balanced meals, repeat until goal weight. I lost ~15-20lbs each fast doing it a total of three times to hit my goal weight. Each time is less, because the daily caloric requirement to maintain your body decreases with your weight.

    After that, I started gym/weight training.

    edit: and never eating junk food or drinking sugar ever again. That includes fruit juice and dairy milk. Unsweetened Coconut “milk” for me now. Processed grains massively reduced too. Basically, flour. Honestly flour probably inflated the waist line for me more than sugar.