This is less concerning to me. I HOPE that there are these same undercover people watching the local gun-nut groups, and GravySeals chapters. They don’t have much real threat, but it’s a breeding ground for extremism.
This is less concerning to me. I HOPE that there are these same undercover people watching the local gun-nut groups, and GravySeals chapters. They don’t have much real threat, but it’s a breeding ground for extremism.
Because ‘luxury’ is a sliding scale. A lot of dudebros spend 100k+ on ‘trucks’ that have never seen dirt, let alone hauled anything. An acquaintance of mine has a V12 Jaguar that he has lovingly coddled back from the dead by sheer will and a LOT of late nights in his meager garage. He’s just to the positive side of ‘poor’ but that car is his fun-money-entertainment (doesn’t have kids or a GF at the moment).
I kinda prefer it that way. Leave me the fuck out of this bullshit. I’m not stepping on necks the way Boomers did but I’m also old and tired enough that it’s not going to be me leading the charge for change. I’ll deal with my own PDFs.