It’s refreshing seeing optimism. Thanks for that.
It’s refreshing seeing optimism. Thanks for that.
When was I bragging? Just stating the obvious, champ.
I called this. It was always rigged.
Spray painting Biden 2020 and BLM with an Anarcy symbol gives it away that this indeed was self started.
Let it burrrrrrrn
And it’ll be held in a disclosed location in El Salvador
I, too, am feeding off the schadenfreude.
Wouldn’t Deftones be in the horny section?
After reading this, I conclude
“You can’t sit with us” - Lance Coolies
I’ll pick the “or else” option. Let’s see what you got assholes.
Better than living in Trumpistan.
I’m sure this is rigged. I doubt this asshole would just give anyone free money.
So what is it? One day, his ratings are crashing, and then the next day, he’s the best president ever. Fucking hate this country.
Better yet, DAFT!
They’re trying to pocket those funds.
Bitch Tits in Chief doesn’t want to hear any bad news. Remind you of anyone?
“I stared into the void, and it blinked first.”